Jenny Gordan - Part 2 - Tratie

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Hi guys since you all were so upset of how the tratie chapter ended so I decided to make a sequel I hope you like it.

Jenny POV/ No mist
Hi again. Today is the first day back from summer holidays. I can't wait to see Katie again.

"Hey Jenny" I heard behind me, so I spun around and saw Katie.
"Katie" I shouted
"Hi, how was your holidays" she asked
"Great, but how was yours I mean you were with the Stolls" I asked
"It was good but I have something to tell you" she said
"Can that wait, can you believe that the Greek gods are real and they have children" I told her
"Yeah I can" she said. That's when the bell rang and I ran off but not before telling her that I'll see her in gym and she can tell me then.

When I got to gym I saw Katie and the Stolls talking to the coach like they've known each other for a while, which was weird since he was new.
"Alright cupcakes, to the stands" the coach yelled. Katie walked up to me and we sat down together.
"Ok so, I'm coach Hedge and I'm new here, so let's get one thing straight, I don't except weaklings, so no slacking off" he shouted "now as you all know the gods of Ancient Greece are alive, along with its monsters, the school have asked to teach some defence moves against them, so we will be learning how to sword fight, hand to hand combat and do archery and you'll be taught by a demigod or two" now we got excited I mean we're getting taught by a demigod.
"Now up you three come" he said, which confused us, but I felt Katie get and so did the Stolls.

Once they got to the front they whispered to the coach. I saw Katie face palm at something Travis said.
Then they turned and Katie started
"Um hi, I'm one of the demigods that'll be teaching you" someone laughed at that.
"Who was that" she shouted and a jock stood up
"Come up here" she said the jock walked up to the front with that Katie flipped him then kneeled next to him and whispered something in his ear. He looked at her shocked then scrambled away as fast as he can
"Anyway, I'm the immortal daughter of Demeter and by the way I've survived both wars so don't mess with me" she said smiling innocently
"I'm also a demigod, son of Hermes, I've also survived two wars" travis said
"Same" Connor chirped in. Then I remembered the day when I saw Katie and Travis kissing 'you would just think of me as a dumb son of Hermes' now that's what he ment by dumb son of Hermes I completely forgot.
"What are you" I didn't realised what I was saying I was pointing at the coach.
"Just a saytr, nothing to worry about" he said it was no big deal

*skipping to lunch since nothing really happened after that*

Gym was sort of fun but now let's just say Katie and the Stolls are getting treated like royals. So when there were no tables for us the weirdest thing happened, we got invited to join the populars.
"So, is it cool being a demigod" Millie a cheerleader asked
"Well, if you call fighting for your life cool, then yes" Katie said bluntly
"Ok I don't want to be a demigod" Millie said
"Good idea, you wouldn't be able to handle it, Millie" said someone behind us
"Well, she's lucky, isn't she, Stoll" Katie said, how did she know that it was him
"Katie since when did you sit with the populars" Travis asked
"Since today" Katie said annoyed. That's when the doors burst opened and there stood 5 dracaena and 2 Hellhounds.
"Come on, why do the gods have to hate us" Katie yelled
"Well Katie, they made us immortal how much do you think" Travis said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a sword, Katie pulled out a dagger and Connor pulled out a sword as well.
"So Katie you take the hellhounds, we all know how good you are with them" Travis said
"Very funny stoll, I'll love to" she said which socked both of them. Katie charged at them then the Stolls. I didn't see much of the fight but what I did see is Katie on top of Travis blushing madly.
"Why do I always find you guys like that, it's always Katie beating you up for a prank we did to her or a make out session I walk into" Connor announced the last part shocked me, it shocked everyone
"Hang on I thought Katie hated Travis" I said
"Well, she didn't" Connor said shrugging
"Connor if you don't shut up you'll find yourself in hades" Katie threatened, Connor's eyes widened "you wouldn't" he said
"I would" with that he was out of the cafeteria and Katie and Travis laughing behind him.

The End.

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