I Know You Hate Me But I Got Tagged Again!!!!!

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Sorry guys but I had no clue what book to put it in so I put it in this one anyway you can blame Ravenclawgirl7839 for she was the one who tagged me. Now the rules

1. You have to post all the rules
2. You have to tag 13 people
3. Each person has to tell 13 things about themselves
4. You have to answer all 13 questions and Create 13 new ones (Dam I'm gonna call this the Dam 13 Tag)
5. Don't skip tags
6. If you don't do it in a week, the person who tagged you can tell you one thing to do
7. Tag backs are allowed
8. Be creative with the title
9. Put in a book no comments

Questions for me:

1. OTP: That's so easy, anyone who has read any of my PJO books know who is my OTP. THALICO FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Favourite Fandom: Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus

3. Hogwarts House: well please don't shout at me but I've only ever seen the movies and after I finish reading the Mortal Instruments I swear I'll read the books. But I hope it's Ravenclaw or Gryffindor but once my friend made me do a quiz and I go Slytherin

4. Favourite TV show: Warehouse 13 and Eureka

5. Favourite Movie: What?! There are so many movies and I have to chose just one?! I guess it has to be that new Goosebumps Movie

6. Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth: Is there even is a choice, obviously Chris Hemsworth

7. Phan or Joshleen: is this a YouTuber thing? I don't have a clue what this is. The only YouTubers I know about is what my friends obsess about which is The Suggs and Pewdie pie

8. Romione or Dramione: again with HP, I'm not sure about the books but Draco and Hermione and no chemistry so I'm gonna go with Romione

9. Apple or Microsoft: both

10. Cats or Dogs: Dogs, I have two dogs and a cat and the cat is extremely annoying

11. Siblings: I have two sisters,

12. Last time I fought with anybody: yesterday with my sister about who gets what chocolate🍫

13. Favourite Season: Summer or maybe Autumn

People I'm tagging:


Sorry to all the people I tagged except RoseDaughterOfDeath 😜


1. Favourite Mythical Creature?
2. OTP?
3. Favourite Fandom?
4. Favourite Book From Said Fandom?
5. Pegasus or Unicorn?
6. CHB or CJ?
7. Least Favourite from the Seven?
8. Team Leo or Team Percy?
9. Frazel or Lazel?
10. Pets?
12. Who noticed I missed 11?
13. Favourite school subject? (Math)
14. Least Favourite school subject? (Gym)

There you go, have fun.

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