Maddie Catch

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Maddie POV

I sighed as I walked into my new school, my dad and I agreed to look as normal as possible so I couldn't do anything 'demigodish'. His words. So here I am going to school again, I just hope I get discovered soon. As walked to the office, I got a lot of stares I mean I'm starting in the middle of the year, my dad told the school that we move around a lot because of his job and Chiron managed to put that on my record. Once I got to the office asked for my schedule and all that other stuff, I walked off to find my locker. I sighed as I tried to read my time table and locker number, stupid dyslexia. I was that concentrated on that I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone.

"Oh my Gods, I'm so sorry" I said helping the person pick up their stuff I made them drop.

"It's alright, I'm Anthony" the boy said I looked up to see a boy with chocolate brown hair and baby blue eyes. It's better than my brown hair and peacock green eyes that I got from my mother.

"Maddie" I told him

"So you're the new girl everyone's talking about?" he asked

"I guess, but there's not much to talk about" I told him

"You know there are already rumours that you got kicked out of your old school for having sex with every guy in the girls bathroom" he told me

"What I was only in this school for five minutes and those rumours already started and I haven't even talked to anyone but you and the secretary" I told him

"I guessed that, do you need some help finding your locker" he asked

"That would be very helpful, but it would also be very helpful if I could read my locker number" I said sarcastically

"What do you mean" he asked

"I have dyslexia" I told him

"Ok, can I have a look" he asked

"Sure" I said handing him the piece of paper.

"Ok so your locker is 102 and your first class is with me, meaning English" he told me

"Great, English helps so much with dyslexia" I said sarcastically

"Well aren't you sarcastic" he said

"I am, get used to it" I told him, smirking.

"Got it, but I need to know, what do you think about demigods" he asked, crap what do I say?!

"Um, I don't know them so I can't judge" I told him

"That's my opinion but everyone else's opinions here are like, get rid of those hybrid monsters" he said, in a funny voice and I laughed

"And she laughs" Anthony yelled raising his hands up like he accomplished something great. I roll my eyes

"Can you just show me around, please" I asked him

"Hm, I never have thought you're a girl who says please" he said thinking

"I'm not, I'm just being nice" I told him

"Good to know, princess" he said

"What did you just call me" I asked

"Your new nickname" he smirked "and now that I know it bothers you, I'm going to call you it more often"

"Ok it's better than what my old friends called me" I said shrugging, it actually isn't I mean Percy calls me peacock. I'm not a princess but he is like Leo if you try to argue with him he'll call you it more or will give me a worst nickname.

(Time lapse to the end of the day)

Today was ok I became good friends with Anthony, he acts worst than Leo, is that even possible, but other than that my day was ordinary. This might sound weird but I prefer my crazy demigod life to this boring crap. I sighed as I walked into the house with Anthony trailing behind me.

"Dad, I'm home and I have a friend so be normal" I shout but no one answered which was weird, I sighed, dumping my bag at the door Anthony following my example, we walked into the kitchen and I saw a note from my Dad on the fridge. I quickly read it. It basically said I'm at a job interview.

"So where's your Dad" Anthony asked

"At work" I told him he nodded, that's when I heard a crash from upstairs

"Is that your Mom" he asked

"Tell me, do you believe that ghost haunt people?" I asked him

"No" he answered

"Than it's not my Mom" I told him hoping he understood, which he did.

"Ok, who is it than" he asked

"Does it look like I know" I said slowly walking upstairs, the noise coming from my room, I slowly opened the door and saw Bianca, Rose and Aisha.

"Gods, girls you scared the Hades out of me" I told them

"Who did you think we were, a monster" Rose asked, I rolled my eyes

"You know normal people call first before coming to visit people" I tell them

"Since when were we normal?" Aisha asked

"Good point, anyway, why are you girls here?" I asked, I noticed Anthony just standing there confused as Hades.

"By the way, Anthony this is Bianca, Aisha and Rose my cousins, girls this is Anthony my new friend" I introduced them

"Nice to meet you" Bianca said holding out her hand, Anthony shook her hand.

"Same here" he said smiling.
We hung out all afternoon.


Ok so first off, I want to tell everyone about a story about the 7's kids, it's called 'Missing' by Read_Ship_Write it's really good so please read it.

Second I'm having a Poll, please tell me which do you like more Vampires or Werewolfs?
It's a really long story about this poll but it started with an argument between a bitch and I so please tell me. I'm not telling you what I go for until the next update.

And finally, there will be a sequel to this chapter.

That's it

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