Emma-Rose Lee- Chrisse

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Emma-Rose POV/ no mist

I peeked out from the bathroom door into the hallway, to make sure the boys were gone. Why do I care if a group of curtain boys are in the hallway? Well, they are my tormentors, they follow me around, picking on me, tripping me over and embarrassing me. When I made sure they weren't there I snuck out of the bathroom and turned the corner to go to my next class.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Thomas asked smirking at me

"Leave me alone Thomas, I have to get to class," I whispered

"Awww, come on don't you want to have a little bit of fun," Thomas tormented

"N-no," I stuttered

"I take that as a yes," he stated smirking, reaching to grab my wrist.

"Actually she said no but you probably didn't hear hear because you're deaf from all of your hair products," a voice stated from behind me. I knew the voice anywhere it was...

"Chris! There you are," another voice exclaimed. Another voice I knew so well, Clarisse. Chris was this hot popular guy who said no to any girl who asked him out, while Clarisse was this tough chick who bullies the bullies, she also is know as the ugly freak to the popular girls. The weird thing is they don't talk to each other. Why would they start talking now?

"Chris leave us alone, this isn't one of your fan girls," Thomas stated. Oh! Did I mention that Thomas hates Chris because his girlfriend dumbed him to go out with Chris. No, just thought I tell you that.

"That goes for you too freak, she doesn't need your help,"

"Really because it looks like your trying to hurt her," Clarisse stated

"No we're friends, we were just having a nice chat," Thomas lied

"A nice chat, is that a new thing to call bullying now?" Clarisse asked rhetorically

"No it is," Thomas stated. Not picking up on the rhetorical question. I snorted at him. "Shut up slut," he growled

"Why should I, you've been bullying me since first grade," I stated "the only thing you're right about me is that I don't need their help," with that I punched him in the face right on his nose. I knew I didn't break it but it was definitely bleeding.

"YOU BITCH!" He shouted, he went to hit me but Chris stopped him and punched him in the gut. He doubled over in pain. Groaning he looked up, blood dripping down his face and a faint bruise appearing on his face.

That's when a teacher in a nearby classroom came out because of all the noise.

"What are you four doing?" She questioned, I swallowed hard.

"The three of them ganged up on me and started beating me up!" Thomas exclaimed. The teacher looked at the evidence, the three of of us without a mark on us against Thomas who was on the ground blood dripping down from his nose.

"Miss Lee and Mr Rodriguez I expected more from you but Miss La Rue I'm very disappointed that you convinced these two into violence," Mrs Gretch stated angrily

"What if I could prove that they punched him up for self-defence," another new voice stated, this time I didn't know who it was.

"Really!? How and who are you?" Mrs Gretch asked. The girl in front of us had long black that was down and covering half of her face. She had a white and black panda beanie that matched her oversized white sweater, black jeans and black ankle boots. The girl smiled kindly and bowed her head slightly.

"My name is Bianca Di Angelo, Daughter of Hades," the girl, Bianca, stated.

"A demigod!? How do I know that this proof you speak of is fake and what are you doing in this school?" Mrs Gretch questioned

"Well for your second question, the reason I'm in this school is say that every teenage demigod must reveal themselves by order of the Gods, but they must not leave the school they must stay and protect it from monsters, as for the first question I video taped the whole thing just now so I couldn't have edited even if I wanted to," Bianca stated looking at Mrs Gretch dead in the eye which is very hard to because of the large on her temple and the death glare she gives everyone who looks at her.

"Hmmm, very well, let's see this video," Mrs Gretch stated. Bianca handed her her phone. Only then I noticed how big the crowd around us had gotten.

After Mrs Gretch watched the video, she turned her glare to Thomas. "Mr O'Connor, you have detention as do you, Miss Lee and Mr Rodriguez and for once Miss La Rue you don't, now for that demigod revealing thing, our school has no demigods it has just been tested, sorry to waste your time Miss Di Angelo," Mrs Gretch stated bowing to the demigod caught of Hades.

"Thank you for informing me Alexandra Gretch but you must know there are demigods in this school," Bianca stated

"Demigods as in plural?" I asked shocked then I put two and two together and realised who the demigods were.

"Yeah there's two, Clarisse La Rue daughter of Ares," Clarisse stated from behind me

"And Chris Rodriguez, son of Hermes," Chris stated smirking.

"But, but, y-you passed the t-test," Mrs Gretch stand

"Do you really demigods wouldn't come up with a way to stay secret even after getting the test?" Chris asked sarcastically.

"Well I guess my job is done, now must get going to the next school, see you two at CHB," Bianca stated then ran towards a wall and disappeared in the shadows.

That's how I met three demigods on the same and find out why Chris said no to every girl who asked him out.


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