Maddie Catch- part 2 - claimed

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Maddie POV

Well this is different Thalia and Jason just had an argument about some boy Thalia quit the hunt for and now everything in the car is silent. Suddenly we came to a stop and Thalia stormed out of the car, so did Jason and Piper ran after him so it was just Annabeth and I.

"What was that all about?" I asked

"Thalia quit the hunt for a boy that Jason doesn't approve of and she and the boy have been avoiding him and the boys sister and trust me you don't want to get any of those 4 angry or you'll literally be on the highway to hell" Annabeth explained

"Oh, who's the boy?" I asked

"Nico Di Angelo son of Hades"she said and my eyes widen

"A son of Hades and a daughter of Zeus, how much could go wrong" I said

"I know tell me about it but I do understand, since Percy and I had so much trouble with our parents" she said and I nodded. everybody knows that Athena and Poseidon don't like each other.

"So why don't I take you to Chiron and show you around" she said I nodded smiling.

We walked down the hill straight for a big, blue house. Once we got there I saw a man in a wheelchair.

"Ah, Annabeth I see you brought us a new camper" the man said. Annabeth nodded

"Hello I'm Chiron and you are?" He asked

"I'm Maddison Catch but please call me Maddie" I tell him

"Hello and welcome to Camp Half-Blood" he said and I smiled he smiled as well then it disappeared he was looking above my head, I looked up and saw a peacock, please tell that my mom, isn't Hera. I looked at Chiron

"Maddison Catch daughter of Hera" he said and my mouth dropped so did Annabeth. I don't think I'm going to be very liked here just the opposite.

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