Michael Leven- Leo

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Michael POV/no mist

Hi I'm Michael, the hottest boy at Lakeview high. everyone wants to be me or be with me, except there's this one person that doesn't bow down to me, that person is Leo Valdez. He is so annoying, whenever I try to bully him, he always cracks a joke. It's so annoying.

Anyway one Saturday, my friends and I decided to go to the beach. While we were swimming I noticed someone walk on to the beach, when looked closer it was Valdez.
I smirk and point it out to my friends. so we got out of the water and walked up to him
"Well, well, well, look at who we have here" I said smirking
"Go away, Leven and his idiots" told me
"Hey you can't speak to us like that, my dads a lawyer, Matt's Dad's an actor, Brock's mom's a modal and Lee's mom is a actress" I told him to show him who's boss
"Good now I know who rob" he joked
"Stop with the messing around, it annoys me" I told me
"That's what it's supposed to do, now excuse me, I'm waiting for my friends to show up" he told and with that I laughed
"Good one Valdez, but everyone knows you don't have friends" I tell him. He opened his mouth to say something when someone else spoke
"Really, but I'm pretty sure that he's my friend" a girl said
I looked at the girl, she was hot. She had choppy brown hair and eyes that changed every time she blinks. I look behind me to see a very paled Lee and Matt. The girl looked at us and she smiled when she saw Lee and Matt.
"Beauty Queen" leo yelled
"Hey Repair Boy, I hope these boys aren't picking on you" she said smirking.
"P-p-piper" Lee said nervously
"Oh, hi Lee, it's good to see you again and it's nice to see you don't have braces anymore" the 'piper' girl said. the boys laughed now knowing that Lee had braces
"And Matt, good to see the achene cleared up" she said and the boys laughed even harder
"Who are you" I asked smirking
"Piper McLean daughter of Tristan McLean and Aphrodite" the girl said. Now the boys stared in fear and awe
"If you're a demigod prove it" I told her thinking she was lying. That's when she pulled out a dagger. We stepped back and we looked leo who hasn't moved.
"Are you crazy Valdez she's one of those hybrid things" Brock yells at him
"You know it funny to watch you scared" leo said "maybe I should tell you that I'm also a hybrid thing as you call them, but we call ourselves demigods or half-bloods, I'm a son of Hephaestus and the fire user" leo told us while setting his hand on fire. That's when I paled, I bullied a demigod, I'm so dead.
"What's wrong Leven you look like you've seen a ghost" leo said smirking, then he said something in greek to piper. she nodded and smirk, then she threw her dagger right past my ear and when turned around and saw it had lodged itself into a monster. I looked at my gang and ran. I could hear leo and piper laughing as we ran off the beach.

When I went back to school everyone was talking about leo and how he was a demigod . we never saw Leo Valdez again.

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