Lucas Smith - The Di Angelos

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Lucas POV/ No Mist

Hi I'm Lucas. you may know me as the Player of Richman High. lets just say no girl can resist me. I'm also the the bully who picks on the nerds and the geeks. five months ago the Greek Gods revelled themselfs and those children, well not they children but they did tell us that demigods are real too. just after that, Nico Di Gotheo that isn't really his name I just call him that. oh look at the time, it's time for the bully session I have with him.

"Hey murderer" I yelled he didn't answer, how dare he
"Hey I'm talking to you" I say grabbing him by the shoulders he didn't answer "you know what I heard, you're an orphan,you know you probably killed your family" I told him with that I was on the wall with a sword pointed at my neck. all my friend were getting held back by skeletons and shadows were swirling around him.
"Do you know you I am" he said in a cold tone that made me flinch
"That's a demigod weapon it can't kill me" I told him
"Well you're right about something it is a demigod weapon but this one can kill mortals" he said. oh shit I'm gonna die.

he opened his mouth to speak but he got cut off by a click of somebody's fingers. everyone turned to the noise.
"Nico Di Angelo" said a girl, she had long black hair that went down to her hip while braided and black no dark brown eyes, she resembled Nico but she was younger. it was the first time I realised that the skeletons were gone and the shadows back to normal
"What is the number 1 rule about being a demigod?" the girl asked, he just stood there dumbfounded til she walked up and slapped him
"Answer me" she said
"Kill all the monsters" he said sheepishly, the girl shook her head
"Don't harm mortals in any way" he said looking down
"Good, now I bet you want me to explain what I'm doing here" the girl said
"Yes but first, everyone I'm Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades, I've got other titles but I don't feel like going through them" he said in a Board tone we all looked at the girl
"Bianca Di Angelo, Daughter of Hades, I'm also Hades' messenger" she said wait did she her name was Di Angelo
"So that's why you're alive again" Nico said to Bianca
"Yep" she said popping the P "let's go, schools are like Tartarus" she said
"Yeah, let's go" he said

Then they left not looking back. that is how I met the real Nico Di Angelo

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