Emily Hilton- Theifs and Gardiners

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What do you think ZoeNightshade04 and @Emmy200202  don't worry you're going to be in it as well.

Emily POV

So my sister, Katie and I were on the school bus with our friends Jess and Tahlia. Katie and Jess were talking all about how the Greek and Roman myths they are so obsessed with are real. When they talk like this I call it Geek talk but they always say 'it's not Geek talk, it Greek talk' and it annoys the hell out of me.

As we got off the bus everyone was talking about how the demigod's are going to reveal themselves today. I just shrugged it off ignoring it all. Jess and Katie walk off to their lockers and to their other friends because Jess is a Senior while Katie is a Sophomore. Tahlia and I are both Juniors.

I walk past the massive group of Seniors, there is at least twenty of them. They're the people Jess normally hangs out with, no she's not one of the populars but her group is basically a group of geeks and nerds that everyone knows about and knows their names. So they are basically popular nerds.

I opened my locker and BANG!!! I'm now covered in bright neon yellow paint. This is one of the many pranks I get from the Stolls.

"STOLLS!!!" I screamed, I heard everyone laughing at me, especially Jess' friends they wouldn't stop laughing but of course the Stolls are part of their group.

"Bevan you look a little yellow, are you sick?" twiddle dumb (Travis) asked, pretending to be worried.

"If she's sick we better stay away from her, we don't want to catch the ugly disease," twiddle dumber (Connor) said. I glared at them, they glared right back. That's when the bell rang. My friends Katie Gardiner (Senior) and Miranda Gardner (Junior) (AN: Miranda's last name is meant to be spelt like this) came and help me to the girls locker room where I had a shower and got dressed into a spare change of clothes.

Of course Miranda and I were late to class and we both detention. I saw twiddle dumber wink at Miranda who rolled her eyes at him, they acted like they had known each other for their entire lives. Which is impossible because they only met this year and they never talk to each other.

"As everyone should know by now the Gods have ordered their demigod children to reveal themselves so this lesson is going to be about why we don't need demigods in this school because it's highly unlikely that there are any," Mr Brake told us

"I'm not so sure sir, how do you know if there isn't a demigod in this school maybe even in this class maybe they're really good at hiding in plain sight," twiddle dumber told our teacher

"That's just silly Mr Stoll, I doubt demigods could hide who they are when monsters go after them every day," Mr Brake stated

"Really, so sir what would you do if a demigod revealed themselves in this school?" Miranda asked

"Well I'd be very shocked that they hadn't managed to reveal themselves before now," Sir stated, that's when a phone rang. The ring tone was two girls screaming STOLLS. Everyone turned to look at twiddle dumber.

"Mr Stoll you know the drill," Mr Brake. Connor smirked as he answered

"What now Bianca?" Connor asked

"Sorry about this Connor but my Father and Uncle said it's time for the you know what, can you tell your brother, Katie and Miranda for me cause I really don't want to waist all my credit calling you guys," a girl said on the other side of the line. I looked over at Miranda.

"Well you've already told flowerpots, but Travis and Katie are both in class, also it's so unfair you don't have to go to school," Connor whined

"Ok, hi Mir, and bring it up with my Uncle," the girl said

"Hi Bianca," Miranda called

"Ok I'm good I definitely don't want have a chat with you creep of a Dad and your two very powerful uncle that either make me drown or push me off a very tall building," Connor said and Miranda burst out laughing. Everyone else was staring at twiddle dumber.

"Do I really too I really like being number one prankster," Connor complained over the phone.

"Connor you are not and never have been number one prankster, that's Travis," Miranda told him

"Wow Mir, you are such a supportive girlfriend," Connor stated sarcastically and I almost fell off my seat I stared at Miranda, who rolled her eyes.

"Aww, is poor little Connor getting what deserves for what he did to my brother," the girl on the phone said and Connor's eyes widened and looked down at the phone scared for his life.

"Bianca what do you mean?" Connor asked slowly.

"Oh you'll see, now you better explain to your class who you and Mir are," the girl said and hung up the phone

"Miranda! What is she planing?" Connor asked panicked

"It has something to do with her 'creep of a Dad' and her little brother and her talents," Miranda told him and he went as pale as a ghost

"I would look like a ghost if I was you especially when you know who her Dad," Miranda said "Anyway I think it's time for some explanations, I'm Miranda Gardner, daughter of Demeter," Miranda said smirking at Mr Brake

"And I'm Connor Stoll, Son of Hermes and the girl on the phone was Bianca Di Angelo, daughter of Hades and I may or may not have pranked her little brother," Connor stated

"You called a God a creep," Tahlia stated, that's when the bell rang and it turned out that Katie was another daughter of Demeter as well and Travis of course was a son of Hermes and they were dating as well. Katie and Miranda apparently hated me because of how much I bashed about demigods and they were only kind to me because they knew what it was like to be the Stolls victim.

So that how I ended up with no friends, Jess ignored me, Katie my sister tried to ignore me at most of the times and Tahlia well she found other friends to hang out with.

The End


Ok so there is one of the ending chapters and since no one but one person chose a team I'm going to ask again.

Team Frank or Team Jason?

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