Kate Adams - Jiper

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Kate POV

Hi I'm Kate the most riches and hottest girl in school no guy can resist me. Today I'm going up to my next boyfriend. Jason Grace I watch him for a little and that he is on the arguing with someone. I over heard some of what he said

"Thalia you didn't need to avoid hazel and I, we would have accepted you two" he said
"No I don't believe that I'm just looking out for my sister, that's all" he said, has a sister?
"Ok ok I know I don't need to take care of you, I get it"
"Yep bye" and he hanged up his phone, time to make my move
"Hi Jason" I say as I walk to him
"Hey Kate" he said
"So I was wondering if you'd like to go out some time?" I ask
"Sorry I have a girlfriend" he said
"You don't need to play hard to get" I tell him while twisting a piece of my hair
"I'm not playing hard to get and if you don't believe me she coming to pick me up" he told me
"Fine we'll see if you're telling to truth, this afternoon" I said and walked away

*this afternoon*

We all walked out and saw a electric blue convertible and two girls leaning up against it talking. one of the girls was dressed in all black, her hair was black with a electric blue strip in it. the other girl had choppy brown hair with a feather braided into it.

We watched Jason walked up to the girls. he hugged the girl dressed in black and kissed the brunette. wait, he did what I walked up to them.
"What do you think you're doing with my future boyfriend" I demanded
"It's good to hear you say future, because he's my boyfriend" the brunette said I glared at her she glared back. I flinched at her glare
"Who do you think you are" I ask her
"Piper McLean, Tristan McLean's daughter" she answered smirking. my draw dropped when she said this. then I walked away and watched from afar as they drove off.

That's how I met Jiper

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