Elizabeth Hatcher - Katie

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Elizabeth POV/ No Mist

Hi I'm Elizabeth but everyone calls me Liz. Now before you say anything, I'm not the bitch of the school, that's Amelia's job, and I'm not the nerd either, that's Mary's job, I'm in the middle normally never on the radar. So this story starts in class, English to be precise. I was just sitting in class, ignoring the teacher's droning, when an announcement was made 'Can all students go to the gym for a special announcement  to be made'

We all started to pack up our things and go to the gym. When I sat down in the bleachers, I sat down next to a girl with light brown hair and grass green eyes, that my dear friends is Katie Gardener, everyone in school knows who she. Why? Well she's the school's tree hugger, she couldn't do anything to hurt anything that's why Amelia loved to bully her. I looked down to the front to see a group of men talking to the principle about something. When they finished talking the principle addressed us he was obviously nervous.

"I'm very sorry to pull everyone from their classes but the gentlemen behind me have come to this school to do demigod testing" everyone started to whisper to each other

"Quite now, I'll leave the men in charge from now on" he said and walked to the back.

"Right now this is how it is going to happen, we are going to start with the students that has common qualities to demigods, so when I call your name come to the front" the man in charge yelled. "Lou Ellen, Katie Gardener, April Lee, Marcus Mars, Travis Stoll and Connor Stoll" he called and those students went to the front. Katie was a bit hesitant at first but got up and walked to the front.

When they were at the front one of the other men went to them and started talking to April. He soon brought out a knife and cut her hand but it went straight through. It was a demigod weapon. He did the same to Marcus and than to Katie but this time it didn't go straight through it sliced her hand. Everyone was shocked at this. The weirdest thing was she didn't put up a fight when they grabbed her, she just stood there silently. He than did the same to Lou and it was the same result. My eyes widened, there was two demigods in our school! The guy than did Connor only to get the same result, Connor nor Lou fought the guards when they were grabbed, just like Katie. When it was Travis' turn everybody knew the result. This time when they tried to grab Travis he flew up into the air, Connor did the same grabbing Lou as he did so.

It was hilariously funny watching them trying to get them down. Just than I realised their plan. I looked over to see where Katie was, she wasn't there anymore, soon the men realised this.

"It's a distraction!" Yelled the leader

"Where did that little girl go?" He questioned

"I suggest to check outside" Travis stated like it was obvious, which it kinda was.

The men raced outside as did every person in the school. When we got there, Katie wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Damnit, I told you to watch them!" The leader shouted at one of the men.

"Well maybe you should fire him because it's really easy to escape" a girl's voice said but no one could spot the source.

"For demigod hunters, you are really stupid, I'm up here idiots" we heard the voice shout and we looked up to the tree next to the school to see Katie in the tree, she giggled.

"How did she get up there so fast" I heard someone say

"I climbed, it's not that hard" she stated, rolling her eyes. The Stolls and Lou were soon up there too. If this wasn't a serious problem then I'd most like would have made a joke, kissing in the tree, but it wasn't the right time but someone else decided it was the perfect time to make a joke.

"Travis and Katie sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G" Connor sang

"Really Connor, I could say the same thing about you and Lou but I don't because I'm mature" Travis stated but you could see the blush on his face. Katie and Lou started laughing

"You mature? It's like saying Percy is smart" Katie said still laughing

"You four stop joking around" the leader shouted at them "and get down from that tree!" Then a tree branch grabbed the guy's foot and lifted him up and a girl appeared out of nowhere, she had light brown hair and her skin was tinged with green.

"I don't think so mister, no ones cutting down my tree" the girl said

"Hi Maple" Katie said

"Hi Katie" Maple said and she disappeared

"That bloody nymph" the guy said frustrated. The tree branch let go of his foot and he fell on his head. He growled and got up

"Fine then if we can't cut down the tree, we'll climb it" he said and started climbing along with a few of the other men.

When they got to where Katie and the others were, the demigods jumped from the tree and the tree wrapped around the guards. The guards that stayed on the ground surged forward to grab them but they couldn't because their feet were tied to the ground by grass.

"We're not stupid, you know" Lou said, rolling her eyes

"W-w-What, h-h-how?" One of the guard stuttered

"Well Maple tied the guys up in the tree and Katie tied the grass around your feet" Connor said shrugging

"You like can like control like  nature" Amelia said shocked

"Well like my like mom is like Demeter, so like yeah" Katie said mocking her, I snorted and the attention was on me, I blushed and looked down

"Anyway our dad is Hermes" the Stolls said at the same time pointing their thumbs at themselves.

"My mom is Hecate" Lou said

"You're still demigods and we don't care who your parents are" one of the guards said

"Well we're not your ordinary demigods, we all fought in both wars and are the eldest of our siblings" Travis said smirking. My eyes widened, they survived both wars and I thought Katie couldn't hurt anything. I think everyone was shocked.

"Your still demigods, without you none of that would of ever happened" the same guy said again

"It would of happened you had no one to protect you from it" Katie said

"We can protect ourselves" another guy shouted

"With what? Guns, monster aren't effected by guns" Lou said

"We'd make bullets out of demigod metal" the guy shouted

"But there'd be no demigods to event it" Connor said

"Well, uh, um, er," he said

"Well what?" Travis asked. The guy glared at him, "nothing ha, damn I was hoping to here some stupid mortal knowledge"

"You demigods think you're better than us just because you're half God" the guy shouted

"No we don't, most of my life I wanted to be mortal not to have anything to do with the demigod world, but mortals like you make me happy I'm not mortal" Katie said

"Yeah and by the way the Gods think more highly of mortals than demigods, so I say you are lucky" Connor said grinning

"Anyway best be going, see ya never" Travis said. They turned around and walked about three steps when a massive hellhound appeared out of nowhere. On top of the hellhound were six people, they all jumped off the dog and walked over to the four demigods. Two of the girls out of the group of six hugged Lou and Katie, while two of the boys out of the group, man hugged Travis and Connor. Just than, three girls all with black hair appeared out of nowhere. (A/N: has anyone noticed that nowhere also spells now here) One of the girls ran and hugged one of the boys from the five that had black hair and tan skin.

After a while they finished talking I heard a few words like 'wanted' 'Olympus' 'CHB' and 'back'. Soon another hellhound came and Travis, Connor and Lou got in it on of the black haired girls whispered on the hounds ear and the hellhound disappeared. Katie and the ones that came on the first hellhound got back on the hound and they disappeared while the three girls and a boy who stayed behind also disappeared in a blur of black.

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