Jenny Gordan - Tratie

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Jenny POV

Hi I'm Jenny, I go to Manie High. I'm not a popular slut nor am I a nerd, I'm in the middle. My best friend is Katie Gardiner and today is not the best day for her lets just say.

I was waiting at Katie's locker. When Katie came up to me, she was soaking wet. Before I could ask why saw the most popular boys in school laughing, they were two of the best prankers in the school. So I put two and two together.
"Let me guess the, stolls" I said, she nodded angry.
"Why are you so angry they've done this to heaps of people before?" I asked her, but before she could answer someone yelled Kit-Kat. I turned around and saw the Stolls coming up to us.
"What do you want, Stolls?" She spat
"Why so angry Katie-Kat?" Travis Stoll asked
"Hmm, let me think, oh yeah I'm angry because you two Stolls decided to soak me with water, oh and by the way you stole that prank from percy" she told them
"Did not we taught him that" Connor stoll said
"Yeah sure" Katie said rolling her eyes. By now they have gotten the whole school's attention.
"Come on Katie it's not like it's the first time we pranked you" travis told her. wait when did he prank her before?
"Listen stoll, just remember all I have to do is make one phone call and you
will be one the next fight to New York awaiting a serious punishment" Katie threatened. remind me not to get Katie angry.
"You wouldn't do that" Connor said looking scared
"Yeah I would and I could finally have some peace from you two" Katie said
"Until, winter break Kit-Kat" travis
"Don't call me that and I'm thinking about staying home for winter break" Katie said
"Then you'll have to put up with us for the whole summer" travis said
"Yeah, but then I have Annabeth, Piper, Hazel and Miranda on my side" she told them and now they were shaking in fear. that's when the bell rang, the Stolls took off running and everyone started to go to classes.
"Whoa, everyone is going to be talking about you" I told her
"What?" She asked
"You and the the Stolls had a crowd" I said
"We did"
"Yeah, what do you mean by being with them the entire summer?" I asked
"Oh I go to a summer camp for ADHD and dyslexics with them and I don't go by one week without getting pranked" she told me
"Can you also go there in winter break?" I asked
"Yeah, I can if I want to, anyway we should go to class" she said

*hi this is a time laps to the end of school*

So I was waiting for Katie to come out of school, when I saw it. It was absolutely disgusting. do you want to know what I saw? Are you absolutely sure you want to know? Fine then, I saw Travis Stoll kissing Katie and it looked like she was kissing back.
"I knew you liked me" Travis said once they pulled apart. He got a slap for that and I think it left a red mark.
"Shut up Stoll"
"I thought you liked me" Travis said holding his cheek
"1 I have a boyfriend 2 I will never like you and 3 I hate you and I think you're annoying" Katie told him
"Fine, but you know what, I like you Katie Gardiner, that's why I always pranked you, so that you would notice me, I know if I never pranked anyone you would just think of me as a dumb son of Hermes" wait what does he mean by son of Hermes
"That was the sweetest thing you've ever said to me, but Trav I'm dating Will" Katie said
"I know, I should have told you this earlier" Travis said. He kissed her cheek and walked away. wow I wish boy could say that to me.

I saw my bus pull up and I quickly jumped on it.

That's how I started to ship Tratie.

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