Luke Redmen -Percabeth

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Luke POV

Hi I'm Luke and I'm best friends with the chase twins Mat and Bobby. today I'm at their place while their parents are out, I'm here with my other friends Kate and Kelly who are twins as well I'm the only one in our group that is not a twin.

We we're up in the boys room when Kelly asked a question that was on my mind too
"What's in the room across from yours" she asked
"That's our sisters room but she's almost never here" bobby answered
"Why?" Kate asked
"Because she goes to a summer camp and school in New York" Mat told us
"Why would she go to school in New York?" I asked
"So she could be with her boyfriend and her mom" Mat said but bobby said boyfriend at the same time.
"Wait isn't her mom your mom?" Kelly asked
"NO!" Both boys shouted
"So she's your half sister" I clarified
"Yep" bobby said
"Can we stop talking about our sister and talk about something else?" Mat asked
"Sure what-" I was cut off by a slam of the front door. We looked at the boys, who shrugged.

We snuck to the stairs to see if anyone was down there and we saw was terrifying. there was a girl who was covered I dirt and blood, it was all in her hair so you couldn't see what colour her hair was. she was rummaging through the cupboards in the kitchen.
"Bobby get the you know what from Annie's room" Mat told bobby, who nodded and ran off. when came back he was holding a knife. my eyes widened when I saw it. the boys crept down the stairs and when they were about to jump on her she said something surprising.
"Boys you know better then sneaking up on me" she said. bobby dropped the knife and jumped on her, Mat did the same thing.
"Annie" they both shouted
"Ow" 'Annie' said
"Sorry, what happen?" Mat asked
"Percy and I got in a fight, oh and be the way this is not my blood it percy's" she said
"We'll get the first aid, where is he" bobby asked
"Lying down on the couch" she answered
"Annie go have a shower we can take care of percy" mat said
"Alright" she looked hesitant
"Annie we friends over, so don't freak when you see them up stairs" mat yelled back at her
"Alright and don't call me Annie" she answered

When she was coming up stairs, we ran into the boys room.when we heard the shower being turned on we ran down stairs and saw a boy lying down on the couch complaining to the boys that he is fine but the boys wouldn't listen to him.
"We promise Annabeth that we would take care of you and that's what we're doing" mat told him
"Come on Mathew you know I'm fine" the boy said
"We're not letting you go" bobby said
"If you let me go I'll let you ride on blackjack and play with riptide" the boy promised. the boys hesitated for a moment before letting him go.
"Percy why you even dad or I would let do either of those things" the girl from before came walking into the room
"Dam it, got caught giving you two a deal" 'Percy' said, looked disappointed
"Come on Annabeth please" bobby and mat say together while 'Percy' gave the puppy dog eyes
"No" she said then looked at us
"Hi I'm Annabeth, you must be be the boys friends, I'm the boys sister" Annabeth said
"So your the infamous sister we've heard nothing about" Kate said, Annabeth laughed
"Now I know how loved I am, who are you?" She asked
"I'm Kate, this is my sister Kelly" she answered
"Nice to meet you, that's my idiotic boyfriend percy" she said pointing to the boy
"Hey I'm not an idiot" percy said
"I'm Luke" I said smiling. she smiled back but it was kind of a sad smile
"Nice to meet you Luke" she said but I noticed a few tears in her eyes
"Hey Annie, you alright"
"Yeah I'm fine" she answered
"Annabeth, don't lie" percy said
"It's nothing alright" she said running up stairs
"Percy what was that about" bobby asked
"I think it's about a friend of ours who died, his name was Luke" percy answered
"Sorry, how did he die" I asked
"Car crash, we were in the car as well but he got the worst end of the deal" he answered
"Don't worry about it, why-" he got cut by a huge dog humping through the window.
"Bobby, mat take everyone up stairs and get Annabeth" he told the boys
"Oh I don't think so Perseus, we need those two" a thing said pointing at the girls, it was female but it had a donkey leg and a metal and had fangs.
"Kelli" percy said
"Oh, you remember me" she said
"So you really think I can't kill you, cause it will be, I don't know the third time now" percy said
"You little..." she trailed off and leaped at percy, he side stepef and took out a sword and sliced through her. he looked at the dog who ran with fright. he turned to look at us we all had our eyes wide open. that's when Annabeth came running down stairs with a knife in her hand. she looked around and saw the damage
"My dad is going to kill me" she said
"That's all your going to say not that we have two unclaimed demigods and a clear sighted mortal" Percy told her and her eyes widened.
"Wow, boys lovely friends you made" Annabeth told her brothers.
"What the hell happened here" we heard someone scream.
"Dad I'm home" Annabeth told mr chase
"I can see that, now what happened" mr chase asked
"I'm not sure ask percy I was in my room" Annabeth replied
"Well mr jackson, what happened" he asked percy
"Um, hellhound and emprosa, who was Kelli" percy answered
"Her again, how many times do we have to kill her, for her to get the message not to message her" Annabeth complained
"Wait a second, you called us demigods, what does that mean" Kate asked
"Um when one of your parents are mortal and the other is a god" percy explained
"Ok, percy why don't we take the girls to camp but first I got to asked, which parent do you live with?" Annabeth asked
"Our dad" Kelly told her
"Even I know who they're parent is" per said like it was the obvious thing in the world
"Who know it may to be her" Annabeth said
"Wait, if you're demigods, who's your parent" I asked
"Poseidon" percy answered almost instantly
"Athena" Annabeth answered
"I think we should go now" percy told Annabeth
"You're right we have to get the girls to camp now" Annabeth agreed
"I'll go and call blackjack and his friends" percy said and left
"Who's blackjack" Kate asked
"Well Kate blackjack is Percy's Pegasus" Annabeth told her
We walked outside and percy just stood there and coded his eyes, I could tell the boys were going to laugh at him, but stopped when we saw a black and a white Pegasusi (plz correct me) flying toward us. when they landed percy helped the girls on one each and got on the black behind Kate while Annabeth was behind Kelly.

When they left I looked at the boys.
"This is the weirdest day ever" I told them, they just shrugged.
"The girls are demigods, you're a clear sighted mortal, while we're nothing special" the boys complained
"Boys you don't want to be special" mr chase said
"So who do you think the girls will get claimed by?" Mat asked
"Let's see, they're both smart, have grey eyes and blonde hair, I have no clue" bobby answered sarcastically
"Um, you know I have no clue, right" I asked they nodded
"I think they mom is Athena" bobby told me, mr chase nodded,
"maybe I should go and tell the girls father where they went" he said we nodded.
"Mr chase can you please drive me home as well" I asked
"Of course, Luke, any time" he answered and with that I was on my way home.

I didn't see the girls again til freshman year of high school and let's just say I ended up dating Kelly while Bobby started dating Kate and Mat dated their friend Lily daughter of Demeter and we had a really good year.


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