Maddie Catch - Annabeth, Piper and Thalia

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Maddie POV/ no mist

Hi I'm Maddie Catch I go to Hollywood high with Piper McLean and Thalia Grace. today something really weird happened and I'm gonna tell you about it.

It was an average day til gym.

"Alright cupcakes today we have a special guest to teach us some defence against monsters" coach Hedge said. I hope he means a demigod

"I bet your all thinking its a demigod right, well your wrong" he continued. aw damit

"It's the demigod" he said. come on stop confusing us. "well looks like she's late" he Said. I looked over at piper and Thalia they were smiling widely.

"Ok does any-" he got cut off as a blonde girl getting thrown through the window. Thalia and Piper shot up ran to her side. coach was worried to.

That's when three cyclops came in.

"Ah daughter of Aphrodite it's good to see you again" the lead cyclops said

"And look mother the daughter of Zeus, I wonder if she's as easy as her brother?" the cyclops to the left said

"Shut up" Piper yelled pulling out a knife. wait. what? Thalia pulled out a spear. they're demigods?

"Piper check that Annabeth is ok I'll take care these guys" Thalia commanded

"Oh daughter of Zeus you can take care of our hunger" the lead cyclops said "I think 3 demigods and a saytr will be enough" she continued. then one of them turned to dust when I looked nothing was there. what? then the one on her left turned to dust. I looked and saw Piper.

"What my sons you killed them again" the leader screamed

"Well than you shouldn't piss off nobody" said something invisible. That's when Thalia started to laugh. WTF.

"Why laugh huntress of Artimis, oh wait wrong fact you're no longer with Artimis" the leader said. you could see Thalia getting angry. you could see electricity sparking at the end of her spear. with one shot of electricity, the cyclops was no more.

Piper went and stood next to Thalia then they looked around.

"Ok Annabeth come out now. oh and good joke" Thalia said we looked at her like she was crazy. then they got tackled to the ground by something invisible.

"I missed you guys so much" said the invisible force

"Owl head it's good to see you too, but now get off us and become visible again and can you explain the nobody joke please" Piper said

"Annie I saw you last weekend, at Percy's" Thalia said. then they got up and the blonde became visible. How'd she do that?

"Shh hedge is right there, you know how he acted on the boat" the blonde said

"Wait what's that about her and jackson?" coach said

"Not to ruin your reunion but who are you really" I asked. the girls turned around and smiled

"Is that her?" The blonde asked

"Yep" Piper and Thalia answered. then a phone rang and everybody turned to the noise

"What can't people have phones?" the blonde asked getting her phone out and mumbling something which Piper and Thalia laughed at. she hanged up the phone.

"Anyway, hi I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena" the blonde said

"Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus" Thalia said everyone looked at her in amazement

"Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite" Piper said

"What are your titles?" someone behind me yelled, Piper and Thalia groaned, I wonder why

"Do we really have to I mean we'll be all day" Piper asked, now I really want to know

"What are they?" I asked they looked at each other and nodded

"Annie you're the oldest you go first" Thalia said

"Actually you are the oldest but ok,

As everyone knows I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and here are my titles and maybe not all of them. Finder of Zeus' lighting bolt and Hades' helm of darkness, Surviver of the sea of monsters, One of the finders of the Golden Fleece, Barer of the Sky, Wonderer of the Labyrinth without going insane, One of the finders of Pan, I am one of the seven, I completed the mark of Athena quest, I am a surviver of Tartarus,I fought Kronos, Gaia(spell), acane, Tartarus himself and many more monsters, Hero  and saviour of Olympus" Annabeth said. she was the Annabeth from all the story's her boyfriend is the most powerful demigod in the world. everyone bowed their heads in respect. when we raised our heads we saw the girls trying not to laugh.

"Anyway my go" Thalia said "I'm Thalia Grace, Daughter of Zeus, My father turned me into a pine tree to keep me alive, as a pine tree I protected camp half-blood's borders, I was luetenit of the huntresses of Artimis, finder of Artimis, surviver of the two wars, hero of Olympus" Thalia continued. wow just wow

"Now my turn, Piper McLean daughter of Tristan McLean and Aphrodite, Finder of Hera, one of the seven, defeater of Medea and many more monsters" Piper said she didn't do much but what she did was awsome.

"Um, and I'm a saytr, if anyone cares" coach said and everyone's mouths dropped when he said that.

"I know he was my gym teacher before I knew that I was a demigod, it was pretty weird when you find out your teacher is half goat" Piper said that's when the bell rang to go home.

"Yes, Jason's picking me up today" Piper yelled

"Shit, does he know I go here?" Thalia asked

"No" Piper said then her eyes widen

"Annie may I borrow your invisibility cap, please" Thalia asked

"No" Annabeth said

"Why" Thalia asked

"Because you've been avoiding him since you quit the hunters" Annabeth explained

"But he only asks question after question about that and Nico" Thalia wined

"Gods your just like Percy, always using the puppy dog eyes" Annabeth said

"That's why we're cousins" Thalia said

"Well if Percy is your cousin then so is Nico" Annabeth said

"Scratch what I said before, i'll just face Jason" Thalia said

"Everyone that is normally what percabeth does Annabeth always wins" Piper yelled out "oh and everyone can leave except Maddie" Piper said and everyone left. I walked up to them.

"I can't believe you guys are demigods and didn't tell me" I said to them

"Sorry but we weren't allowed to" Thalia explained

"Well I'm Annabeth, just to ask do you have ADHD and dyslexia or one of those?" Annabeth asked

"I have both, why?" I asked

"Do you live with both parents?" she asked

"No, my mom died at birth, you don't think I'm a..." I trailed off and they nodded

"You have a sent too, a strong one" coach said

"What?" I asked

"It's a saytr thing" Piper explained

"Anyway let's go meet Jason" Annabeth said

"You're coming with us you know" she said to me and I smiled and followed them out when we were out there was lots of whispering it all died down when we walked pass. Not everyday you find out that your two best friends are demigods and your one too.

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