Jack Ross - Percabeth

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Jack POV / mist

Hi I'm Jack I have brown hair and green eyes I go to Goode high and today I'm going to meet up with my best friend but there is one small problem he isn't here so I went by his place and no one answered the door I was about to leave when Sally came up behind me.
"Hi Jack, what are you doing here?" she asked
"Well percy and I had plans to see a movie but he didn't show I came around to see if he's ok" I told her she nodded and opened the door we walked in and looked around no one was home
"Maybe he's in his room" I told her she nodded and I walked down the hall to his room. I opened the door and what I saw was very unexpected
"My eyes" I shouted that's when the girl on top if Percy got up and looked at me.
"Jack?! what are you doing here?" percy asked I noticed he was topless that's when Sally ran in and smirked
"What's going on here, hi Annabeth" she said trying not to laugh
"Can't we ever be left alone I mean camp, my place, your place, is there no peace" the girl 'Annabeth' said
"Um to answer your question we were going to hang out today" I told him he smiled sheepishly
"Oh yeah I kind of got distracted" he said and the girl punched him
"Ow, wise girl that hurt"he said faking hurt
"I know that didn't hurt percy" she said rolling her eyes at him.
"Why don't we all go to the lounge room and watch a movie" Sally suggested we all nodded. I walked out with Sally and sat on the couch and a minute later percy and Annabeth I think came in.

"I'm Jack" I told her
"Annabeth" she said smiling. there was an awkward silents til I had enough
"So how did you two meet?" I asked cause I really wanted to know
"Well we met at summer camp when we were 12" Annabeth answered
"Oh that summer camp for ADHD and dyslexics" I said percy mentioned it once or twice *cough all the time cough* before
"Why don't we watch a movie" percy said obviously trying to get off the subject before I spill he told me about her but I didn't believe him
"Sure" Annabeth said then Sally came out with blue choc chip cookies. we all lunged for them.
"Thanks mom" percy said
"Thanks mrs Blofis" I said
"Thanks mom" Annabeth said
"It's ok, Annabeth thank you for calling me mom and Jack call me Sally" Sally said. I nodded

We spent all afternoon laughing and telling jokes. that is how i met percabeth

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