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Here are the answers:

1 - peanut butter and the first person to answer that was Calypso223
2 - Chris Rodriguez that was answered by dreameh
3 - His left armpit that was answered by dreameh
4 - Krios that was answered by dreameh
5 - Luke that was answered by LTMADDOX (a lot of people answered Annabeth but if you don't remember she took the sky off Luke)
6 - Selina that was answered by dreameh
7 - Ethan that was answered by dreameh

The most disliked was Jason
More people liked Thalico to thaluke
Everyone prefers percabeth and jasper
More wants to be Greek than Roman
Caleo was the most popular ship other than percabeth
Peoples favourite God was poseidon and peoples favourite goddess Tied out of Athena, Hestia and Artemis

Tell me who is your favourite goddess out of the three I just told you

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