Rosabell Canes - Hazel

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This goes out to @Iridescentarchangel

Rosabell POV/ no most

I was at my locker getting some books out when the Queen B came up to me. She's really annoying she says she's the daughter of Aphrodite and everyone believes her.
"Hi Rosabell" she said sickly sweet
"I just have to ask you something, where's your friends? Oh that's right you don't have any" she said
"Don't bully her it's rude and mean" I heard someone behind her say
"Who do you think you are talking to me and telling me what to do" miss b*tch herself said. I looked to see a girl she had coco colour skin and gold eyes, she was wearing dark jeans and a pain purple shirt.

"I think I'm Hazel the new girl and I don't like people being bullied" the girl 'Hazel' said
"I don't care who you are just don't tell me what to do" the queen said. if you haven't noticed I haven't actually memorised her name.
"What would you do if I don't stop" Hazel asked
"I'll get my mom Aphrodite to curse you, so you'll look uglier than you already do and you can never find love" she told Hazel. that's when something real strange happened Hazel actually laughed

"Why are you laughing" queen asked
"Because you think you're the daughter of Aphrodite" Hazel said laughing some more. that's when the bell rang.

"This isn't over new girl" queen said and stalked off
"Wow, thanks for standing up for me" I said
"No worries, I hate bullies, I'm Hazel by the way" she said
"Nice to meet you I'm Rosabell" I said and then I showed her to class.

Skip to lunch

Hazel and I sat down at an empty table. We were talking about demigods, she was a bit edgy on the subject. That's when it happened. 5 dracaenae stormed into the cafeteria. everyone screamed and ran to the other side of the room including me. That's when I noticed Hazel wasn't next to me but looked ready to fight the bloody monsters, is she insane.

That's when a boy with a flaming hammer smashed through the window. he looked around a spotted the monster then Hazel.

"Hey jewels want to give me a hand" the boy said
"Repair boy I told you not to call me that" Hazel shouted at him. he rolled his eyes, while Hazel tapped her charm bracelet, then she had a sword in her hand. my eyes widened.

"Hey Mindy are you going to help or were you lying about being a demigod" Hazel asked the Queen B. Then she charged at the monsters.

Once her and the boy killed all the monsters. Hazel ran up and hugged him.

"Nice to see you too, Haze" the boy said
"Not funny Leo, you went off the grid for a month no one knew where you were" Hazel said to him
"Sorry Hazel, I had something to do I didn't think I'd scare you that much" 'Leo' said
"Um sorry to break up the reunion but can you explain what just happened" I was surprised that I was the one to speak
"Sorry Rosabell, um to explain is simple" she said "I'm Hazel Leveque Daughter of Pluto, I'm one of the seven and that's all you really need to know" she said
"And I'm Leo Valtez Son of Hephaestus and I'm also one of the seven" Leo said
"Best get going Jewels I really want to see camp again" leo said turning around and walking off
"Yeah but one thing first" Hazel said and ran up to me and have me a hug then she put something in my hand and ran off.

I looked and saw she put a note in my hands it said

'Call me ***************
  Don't worry it's a monster proof phone'

I think I just found a new best friend

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