Cassidy Blanken - Athena Siblings

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Cassidy POV

I'm Cassidy, I go to San Francisco high. lets just say I'm high in the popularity ranking and when I say high I mean at the top. I watch as a nerd goes into her locker and grab her books. that nerd is Annabeth Chase. time for usual bully session. I walk up to her

"Hey Annie, where's your mom, oh that's right you don't know" I say to her, this time she did something unexpected
"Oh I do know where she is and maybe you shouldn't tease people about their parents because isn't your boyfriend motherless as well" she said. now that got me angry how did she know that he doesn't even go to school here. he's in collage
" Finally found your mouth Annie, be careful what you say because my dad's a lawyer" I told her thinking that she would shut up
"Ok bye slut I mean Cassidy" she said and walked off

*after school*

I walked out of school to see a grey convertible with my boyfriend leaning up against it. well this a surprise
"Malcolm" I say running up to him
"Hey Cassidy, I forgot you go here, I'm here to pick up my sister" he said "but I can give you a ride too" he continued then kissed me on the cheek then looked around looking for someone most likely his sister. that's when Annabeth came up to us

"Hey Annie" Malcolm says to her how does he know her
"Hey Mal" she said back
"Don't call me that" he said
"Fine don't call me Annie" She told him "oh and it looks like I don't approve of your girlfriend" she said to him
"Yeah well I don't approve of your boyfriend" he said back
"Well at least he isn't a slut" she argued
"Hey" I said defended
"What Cassidy" she said to me
"Annabeth a least I'm nice to Percy" he said
"At least he's nice to you" she told him
"Wait what do you mean" Malcolm asked
"I mean she's a bully" Annabeth told him. he turned to me
"is this true" he asked
"No" I answered and he seemed to believe it
"Fine I'm not getting in a car with her so i'll just walk home" Annabeth said. now this shocked me. is she Malcolm's sister?
"So you're gonna walk all the way to New York?"
"No I'll ask my dad to drive me to mom's" she told him
"Yeah he would love to do that" he said sarcastically
"Listen if she gets in that car you won't have a bed to sleep in" she said
"You can't kick me out" he argued
"I'm oldest, so yeah I can" she argued back. wait isn't Malcolm older and I thought that Annabeth only had two little brothers.
"You know Annabeth tell me one thing she did to you and I'll believe it" he told her
"She called me a dumb blonde" she said then looked around for people to back her up
"She is a bully she bullies me everyday" a nerd shouted there was lots of whispering
"Well Annabeth I believe you" Malcolm told her "Cassidy consider yourself dumbed"
"Why would you believe her I mean she lies I don't" I told him
"Actually I never lie" Annabeth said
"How about time you lied was to our mom saying there was nothing between you and percy" Malcolm said she just shrugged and hopped into the car. Malcolm laughed and hopped in as well.

That is how I met the real Annabeth Chase. well at least what I thought was.

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