Micky Jean - Big Three Kids

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Micky POV

Before I even start I am a girl. Sorry but my name always lead people to think I'm a boy. So anyway where was I, right i was about to tell you about my fabulous Triple date with Percy and his Friends outside of Goode.

It was the last lesson of the day, it was ancient history and it was Greek so we (as in my group Percy, Kate, Lily, Josh and I) ignored what the teacher was saying.

"So what are you guys doing after school" Lily whispered
"Um, Nothing I think" Kate whispered back
"I'm going on a date with Josh" I told them
"Yeah I'm on a date with Micky" Josh said being stupid
"I'm on a date with Annabeth" Percy said, of course Percy's mysterious Girlfriend, who we never met but heard so much about. Josh dosen't believe Percy about Annabeth but I do, I mean no way Percy could make it all up.

"I know why don't we make that date a double date" Josh says thinking he caught Percy out
"It already is a double how bout a triple" Percy said
"Wait who else is going" I asked
"Just my cousin and his girlfriend" Percy said
"Why don't we make it a triple date" Josh asks
"Sounds good to me" Percy said "but don't be to coupley in front Nico and Thalia"
"Ok deal, where do we met you" I asked but before he could answer
"Why don't you Mr Jackson tell us about Circe" Mr Johns asked
"Sure Mr Johns, Circe was a sorceress who lured sailors in and turn them into pigs" Percy said. Now that shocked Mr Johns, he knew Percy wasn't listening so he most likely decided to ask him a question to catch him out but Percy answered correctly.

After class Percy told us where the date which was just at the movies then going to get dinner.

(Date Time)

When we got there we looked around for Percy but we couldn't see him.

"Where is bloody Kelp Head, he's supposed to be here already" I heard someone say. I turned to see a couple the girl had on a Black Blouse, Black Skinny Jeans and Black Combat Boots. She had electric blue eyes and black hair with an electric blue strip in it.

"Thalia chill Percy said that he invited his friends from school to come so why don't we look for them" the boy said. He had jet black hair and dark brown almost black eyes. He was wearing a black tee shirt with some black jeans.

I walked up to them.
"Um excuse me but are you Percy Jackson's cousin" I asked the boy
"Yeah I am, who are you" he asked
"I'm Micky Jean, Percy's friend and this is my boyfriend Josh" I told them
"Well finding Percy's friends were easy but not finding him" Nico's Girlfriend said
"This is my girlfriend Thalia and as you can see she is annoyed and I'm Nico by the way" Nico said
"Nice to meet you" I said
"Yeah, I just wish I knew where my stupid cousin is" Nico said
"I bet he is in the parking lot in his car making out with Annabeth" Thalia said
"Most likely, anyway have you got your tickets for insurgent" Nico asked
"Yeah we have, why" Josh asked
"If they don't come in five minutes we are going to make this a double date instead of a triple" Nico said
"Good to know you aren't going to wait for us" I turned to see Percy his black hair messier then usual and a girl with beautiful curly blond hair and intense grey eyes, they were holding hands.
"Hey Micky, Josh, this is Annabeth, Annabeth this is Micky and Josh" Percy said
"I'm just going to get our tickets because Seaweed Brain he will most likely forget what movie we are seeing before he gets to the counter" Annabeth said, we all laughed while Percy pouted.

After the movie we went to a pizza café. It was a really good night

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