Gemma Adems

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Hi I'm Gemma and this is not an update I just wanted to give a shoutout to my friends and their books. So plz read their books

To my best friend:
She has written:
5 Month Holiday
Next is to my awesome cousin:
She has written:
The Love
Now to my kool friend:
She has written:
Missed Me (a Steve rogers collection)
Now my awesomely great friend:
She has written:
A little hint of sweetness
Next up is the crazy:
She has written:
Now the who thinks she is smart daughter of Athena:
She has written:
The Actual Life Of A Demigod (Dis-continued)
Wait A Second Your Talking To Me
Murder, Mystery, Me
The Paradox of Victory
And finally
She has written:
Not So Invisible To me
Wait, Wait. The Alfa?

Plz read these books and support my friends


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