Frederick Chase - Percabeth

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This goes out to booksfrlife
This is like my other chapter on the father, daughter relationship in the chase family but this time Annabeth is 17.

Frederick POV

I was waiting at a small cafe for my daughter to show up this is the first time she contacted me 10 months and I really want to know why. I thought our relationship was all right now but she went to camp for winter break and didn't come back, I was worried she had died and no one bothered to tell me.

"Hi dad" I turned around and saw Annabeth and with her holding her hand was a boy
"Annabeth I've been worried sick, what happened" I asked
"Um, a war" she said
"Oh, and who is this" I said motioning to the boy
"Hi sir, we've met before I'm Percy" the boy answered. now I remember him, he was the one on my doorstep when Annabeth got kidnapped.
"Yes, I remember you" I told him
"Why don't we sit down and catch up" Annabeth said, I nodded and sat down. Annabeth and Percy sat down in front of me.
"So who was the war with this time" I asked
"Romans, Giants and Gaea" she told me
"Romans?" I asked
"Children of the roman gods" she told me, I noticed she was being distant
"What happened there did you kill them or make peace with them?" I asked
"Made peace" she answered
"Ok Annabeth I know there is something wrong because you're being distant and normally you're never like that" I said
"Mr Chase she's been like this all week" percy said
"Annabeth is something wrong" I asked percy looked interested too
"No it's nothing" she said on the verge of tears. she got up and ran away.
"You're saying she's been like that all week" I asked
"Yep" Percy answered "she won't tell anyone but I think she might have told Piper and Hazel"
"Oh do you have some clue of what's wrong" I asked
"I'm not sure I could be because of the war but something tells me it isn't" he answered
"What happened in the war that could make her like this" I asked
"One of our really good friends died because he killed Gaea" he answered
"Oh, that is terrible" I said
"Yeah let's just say the last ten months have pretty hard" he said

That's when Annabeth came back and smiled but you could smell vomit when she breathed.
"Annabeth are you sure that you're alright?" I asked
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm not feeling so good thought, do you think we could go back to the house?" She asked
"Of cause" I told her, percy looked very worried.
"Wise girl, what's wrong?" He asked
"Seaweed brain don't you listen, I'm not feeling well" she said


When we got home Annabeth quickly jumped out of the car and ran inside. I looked at percy he just shrugged. we got out the car and went inside. the twins ran up to us.
"Dad Annabeth ran inside and ran straight into the bathroom" bobby told me
"She didn't even bother to say hello" Matthew complained
"She isn't feeling well, boys" I told them
"Oh, who's he?" Bobby asked
"Don't you boys remember percy?" I asked
"Annabeth's boyfriend" Matthew said. I was stuck I knew that Annabeth was dating but I had no idea how to answer.
"Where's your mother?" I asked
"She ran after annabeth" bobby answered
"Ok, why don't you show percy your myth-o-magic collection" I told them
"Yeah!" The boys yelled and dragged percy off to their room.

I walked to the bathroom to find the door locked. I knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" My wife Helen asked
"It's me" I answered
"Honey, can you give us a moment"she said, so I walked away.

Annabeth POV

When we got home. ran to the bathroom, ignoring the boys, slammed the door shut vomited my guts out. once I finished I realised Hellen had came in.
"What's wrong" she asked and I just started crying. she came over and hugged. I told her everything. That after the war the Dionysus cabin had a party and it had alcohol and I was depressed my Leo's death so I drank and drank and somehow by the end of the night I ended up in Percy's cabin and we slept together, then last week I found out I was pregnant. she just said calming things to me and didn't yell at me saying that I was stupid to drink in the first place.
Dad came but didn't come in Helen told him to go away and he did. when came out of the bathroom. everyone was having dinner.
"There they are" dad said
"Hey Annabeth how are you feeling" percy said
"I'm fine I've been through worst then the flu" I lied
"Okay, are you up for dinner?" Dad asked
"Sure" I told him, I looked at Helen and she smiled at me.

The rest of the night was alright, the boys talked about school but when Helen told them to go and do their homework, they complained then asked me for help, I just told them to do it by themselves. Percy and I talked about camp and every thing. I looked at the clock and saw that it was nine.
"Percy we better get going" I told him he looked at the time and nodded.
"Where are you staying" dad asked
"Camp Jupiter, the roman camp" I answered
"Why are you staying there?" Dad asked
"Because it's closer" I answered again
"I can drive you" he offered
" Sorry dad but I think we'll ride blackjack" I told him
"Who?" He asked
"Percy's Pegasus" I answered, he nodded his head and we left.


Soz guys for not updating I have three reasons why I haven't and I hope they are good enough so you won't kill me
1. I was grounded
2. I lost my charger
3. I was really busy
I'm really so bye

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