Sally Jackson Part 2

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This is after Sally and Paul are married.

Sally POV

Paul and I decided to move in together after the wedding so it won't be to hard on Percy and Hannah and we also decided to move into my place since it was bigger.

"Mom!" I heard Percy yell
"Yes" I called walking to find Percy
"Can Annabeth come over" he asked
"Hey Percy, does Annabeth know I'm your sister now" Hannah ask
"Um, no" Percy said
"You two are dating and you don't even tell her you have a sister" Hannah yelled at him
"We're not dating, I'll tell her when she comes over" Percy said (this is set before the last Olympian)
"But you like her, fish boy" Hannah told him. Percy was about to answer but I cut him off.
"Anyway yes Annabeth can come over and Hannah if you want to have a friend over you can" I told them to stop them arguing
"Thanks mom" both of them said

(Annabeth comes over)

I heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it. There, there was Annabeth and a girl with long black hair and blue eyes

"Hi Annabeth and you must be Hannah's friend" I said smiling
"Hi Sally" Annabeth greeted
"I'm actually Hannah's sister Selina" the other girl said
"Well nice to meet you Selina I'm Sally" I said smiling
"It's lovely to meet you" she said
"Anyway Percy and Hannah are both in Hannah's room, which used to be the spare room Annabeth, you both go right in" I told them
"Ok thanks" both girls said and headed off to Hannah's room

I just finish making blue choc chip cookies so I decided to bring them into Hannah's room.

"Knock knock" I said walking
"Hi mom" both Hannah and Percy said
"Hi Sally" Annabeth and Selina said
"I decided to make some cookies for you girls and boy" I said, the girls laughed
"Mooooom" Percy groaned
"what" I said, laughing and putting down the tray of cookies

"Well best be going" I said walking out. I heard the girls teasing him

Finished. Anyway two post ago I asked you to commit about what colour the dress was and most people said Black and Blue.


Lily ❤️

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