Jason Grace - Thalia

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This is just a one off thing.

Jason POV/ No Mist

I'm not sure why I agreed to this? Going to school was the worst decision I've ever made, but at lease I have friends. My friends are Lily, Jack and Mia. They are all very nice and I think that Mia would most likely become famous and Lily I swear looks so much like Katie she would be her twin and Jack he- wait why am I saying this, stupid ADHD. Anyway back to the story.

When I got to school one morning Mia, Jack and Lily came running up to me.
"So dude a little birdie told me that you tried to eat a stapler when you were two" Jack told me
"And that you still couldn't tell the difference between left and right when you were ten" Lily said (I'm not sure that's true I just need make up embarrassing stories about Jason)
"And that you used to walk to a café and buy a pink iced cupcake and a hot chocolate everyday" Mia teased
"Who told you that" I asked
"We're not allowed to tell you, you'll find out later" Lily told me I was about to argue but got cut off by the bell.

-Skip to Lunch-

After I got my food I went to our table. When u got there I noticed someone new there but that person is going to get kill after the stunts they've pulled.
"Hey Jace" Jack said
"Hey" I said smiling then I turned to the new person
"What are you telling them about this time" I asked them
"Oh you know embarrassing stories about your childhood" she told me
"Jason, why didn't you tell us that you had a twin sister" Lily asked
"I didn't tell you about her because we're in the middle of a very big argument" I told them
"Is it still about Nico" Thalia asked
"Yes and the fact that you ran away and that you are telling embarrassing stories about me" I told
"Whoa you ran away" Mia asked
"We fight a lot" Thalia explained
"Right so you ran away" Jack sumed up
"To our cousin's place" she told them
"Well I guess that isn't so bad" Jack said
"Not when she kept running to friends house to friends house with her boyfriend" I told them
"Well sorry, if I stayed would you still-" but she was cut off by a hellhound jumping on top of her. I was about attack it when I realised it wasn't trying to bite but was licking her, it was Mrs O'Leary. I turned around to see Percy and Nico laughing. Once Thalia got out from under Mrs O'Leary, she was angry.
"You guys are dead" she shouted the boys stopped laughing and ran, all I could do was laugh.

I look at my friends and there stared at me like I was crazy. I cursed silently.
"Why are you staring at me like that" I asked sheepishly
"Why do you think we just saw your sister get attacked by a massive dog and instead of killing the dog she went after two, may I say hot, boys and you're just laughing" Mia said angrily
"Um, yeah I might have forgotten to mention I-" but I got cut off Mrs O'Leary jumping on top of me. Once I got out I saw the 'Great Children of the Greek Big Three' laughing
"Seriously, is it pick on the Roman day or something" I asked them
"I don't think there is such a day" Thalia said acting like she was thinking
"Yeah but there should be" Percy laughed
"Definitely, the Hermes cabin will go nuts" Nico told them
"We have to plan that" Thalia said smirking
"Thanks for thinking that up little brother" Thalia said before she burst into fits of laughter
"What the hell are you" Jack shouted, that got our attention. I noticed that most of the teachers are watching us now.
"Demigods" Thalia said rolling her eyes, like it was obvious but it pretty much was.
"Wh-who's your parents" one of the teachers asked scared
"Hades" we all answered
"By the way I'm 23 years old so I'm not Jason twin" Thalia said, we all looked at her
"What I don't want people to think that I'm the Roman's twin" Thalia said
"But how, you look like-" Lily started
"Like I'm 16, well I'm not, I was a hunter who are partially immortal" Thalia said
"Now we better pick up Hazel, because the gods want to have a meeting with us" Nico said
"Ooh, I wonder if they plan on killing us" Thalia said sarcastically
"Wouldn't be the first time" Percy said scrunching his eyebrows, thinking what he could have done to offend the gods
"Gods Percy stop torturing yourself by thinking to hard, the only God who would want to kill you would be Athena and maybe Zeus" Nico joked
"You seriously don't like our dad do you" I asked
"Jace, I don't even like our father" Thalia said smirking
"Whatever let's just leave" I groaned
"Where do you think you're going Mr and Miss Grace" a teacher asked
"Um anywhere but here" Thalia answered "and please don't use my last name unless you want die, we'd be going now"

With that we left and went to save Hazel.

Hi guys I hope you like it. Anyway I just wanted to let you all know that I have a fandom Instagram account so plz follow the name is lilydaughterofhecate. Thanks I hope you like this chapter.

Bye Lily

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