100 Truths

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You want to know more about me read on. If you don't you can skip.
I was tagged by TheGreekGeek769

1) real name: Lily, I'm not telling you my last name

2) nickname: I don't really have one

3) favourite colour: purple and orange

4) Male or Female: female

5) Elementary school: not saying

6) middle school: again not saying

7) high school: you know what I'm gonna say... not saying

8) collage: don't ask, like hell I'm gonna know

9) hair: dark brown, very curly and halfway down my back. During the holidays I get coloured highlights

10) tall or short: in the middle

11) sweats or jeans: jeans

12) phone or camera: phone

13) health freak: no

14) oranges or apples: well, I'm allergic to oranges and I hate apples, what do you think?

15) do you have a crush on someone: no, unless you count book characters

16) guy friends or girl friends: mainly girls but I have a few guy friends

17) piercings: yes, one in each earlobe

18) pepsi or coke: Pepsi

19) have you been on an aeroplane: yes

20) been in a relationship: no

21) been in a car accident: no, but I have witnessed one

22) been in a fist fight: yes, I started it, it was with my "step sister" not really my dad wants me to call her that

23) best friend: Ellen

24) first award: 3rd place in a bowling comp, 3 years in a row and best bowler

25) first crush: I don't remember, but it was stupid

26) first word: don't know

27) any talents: no, not really, can you count ice skating, Rollerblading and Roller skating

28) last person you talked to: my mom

29) last person you texted: Charlotte ( I'm helping her with math)

30) last person you watched a movie with: my family

31) last thing you ate: snicker doodles

32) last movie/ show you watched: the librarians

33) last song you listened to: break free by Ariana Grande

34) last thing you bought: I don't remember

35) last person you hugged: my mom


36) food: pizza

37) drink: Pepsi

38) bottoms: shorts or jeans, depends on the weather

39) flowers: I don't really have a favourite flower because basically whatever I try to grow dies and my mom hates bouquets of flower

40) animals: dogs

41) colour: Orange and purple

42) movie: Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf (I know they aren't movies but I like them more than movies)

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