Cammie Morgan - Big Three Girls

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I do not own the Gallagher Girls

Pretend that the blackthorne boys weren't there when the demigod visited.

Cammie POV/ no mist

I was in the middle of a mission with Bex, making sure we are not getting tailed by anyone when something caught my eye. I saw three girls all had black hair, one had sea green eyes, another had dark brown eyes and the last one had electric blue. I pointed them out to Bex and she gasped. I was about to go over there when Bex whispered a plan in my ear, I smiled at the plan.

We walked over and stood next to them I looked at and gave them the 'don't talk to us' look.

"Hey can you see anyone following us" I looked like asked Bex in greek but I really asked Bianca, Aisha and Rose. Bex looked around to act like she's looking.
"Look at that really cute boy with black hair and green eyes" Bianca said in Italian
"And that boy with blond hair and blue eyes" Rose said in Latin.

I looked over to see the boys Bex was fooling over this morning.

"No I can't see anyone" Bex said in Greek. I looked around and my eyes connected with Bianca's for a second and walked away.

Bianca POV

We were in DC for a break and that's when I saw Cammie and Bex.

They walked over and stood next to us, Cammie looked at us and gave us the 'don't talk to us' look.

"Hey can you see anyone following us" Cammie looked like she asked Bex in greek but really she asked us. Bex looked around to act like she's looking.
"Look at that really cute boy with black hair and green eyes" I said said in Italian
"And that boy with blond hair and blue eyes" Rose said in Latin.

"No I can't see anyone" Bex said in Greek. Cammie looked around and her eyes connected with mine for a second and she walked away. But that was long enough to understand the plan.

Aisha and I walked up to the boys.
"Hi I'm Angel" I said
"And I'm Oceaniana" Aisha said
"Uh hi, I'm Blake" the boy with black hair said
"I'm Jack" the boy with blond hair said
"So we were wondering if you two boys liked to go and get coffee with us" I asked
"We'd love to but we are in kind of a rush" Jack said
"How about take away" Aisha asked
"No we really can't" Blake said
"Oh ok then" Aisha said sadly and the boys took of to where the girls headed but no way the boys are going to catch up to them.

Cammie POV

Bianca and the girls must have gotten the boys caught up because they weren't following us anymore. We looked to make sure no one was following us and we went into the stair case which was empty. We ran up the stair to the Red Slippers exhibit.

Once we there no one was there. We stepped closer to the exhibit and Solomon appeared from the shadows.

"Well done girls you got here without a tail" Solomon said

That's how demigods helped us on our mission.

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