Rachael Dare

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Rachael POV/ No Mist

Three months ago the gods and goddesses revealed themselfs and with that revealed that demigods are real as well. now all demigods are in hiding. they are all going to different schools and are trying not to get discovered. as for me I'm back at clarion( I'm not sure how to spell it so plz correct me). I hate it here and of cause miss popularity is saying that's she's the favourite daughter of Aphrodite and the richest man in New York, I mean please stop lying about who your parents are.

"Oh look who it is, the charity case" said miss popular herself, Mia. If only you knew who my dad is. Then you'd stop calling me that. I thought.
"Who is your dad than?" I must have said that out loud. just as I was about to answer an announcement went off
'Can all students come to the gym for an emergent accmembly' it called. so everyone walked to the gym.

When I entered I saw 13 people. 12 of them were the gods and 13th one was Octavian, I smiled when I saw him. You see after the war Apollo allowed me to date but I'm only allowed to date once.

"Hey Rach" Apollo yelled then got hit in the head by Artimis.
"Hey Apollo" I said as I walked on stage, now that got everyone talking. I walked right up bowed to the gods and went and stood next to Octavian.
"Finally I get to go home I whispered to Octavian
"I know the feeling" he whispered back
"Now that that is over thanks to Apollo, we can get started. Rachael will you introduce yourself" Athena said. I nodded and stepped forward.
"Hi everyone, you all know me as the poor charity girl but that's not even half of who I am, actually that's not even me. I'm Rachael Dare the oracle, I helped navigate in the labyrinth, I was one of the ones to discover Pan, I survived both wars and I am a savour of Olympus. I am still mortal but have the spirit of dalphine (spell check) but I knew all about the gods before all of you" I said and everyone was shocked, they were all shocked when I said my last name. "oh and Mia you are no daughter of Aphrodite" I said this Aphrodite looked angry. she clicked her fingers. I wondered what she did.

Someone from the crowds POV

As I walked in, I saw 13 people on the stage, I mentally screamed, the gods are at our school.

"Hey Rach" yelled I think Apollo then he got hit by I think Artimis, why would a god know Rachael.
"Hey Apollo" she yelled back. is she crazy yelling at god, but all the gods smiled. She walked up and bowed to the gods then stood next to a boy, I wonder who he is.
"Now that that is over thanks to Apollo, Rachael would you like to introduce yourself?" Athena asked, Rachael nodded. please tell me she's not a demigod.
"Hi everyone, you all know me as the poor charity girl but that's not even half of who I am, actually that's not even me. I'm Rachael Dare the oracle, I helped navigate in the labyrinth, I was one of the ones to discover Pan, I survived both wars and I am a savour of Olympus. I am still mortal but have the spirit of dalphine (spell check) but I knew all about the gods before all of you" She said and everyone was shocked, we were all shocked when She said her last name, dare is the last name of the richest man in New York. "oh and Mia you are no daughter of Aphrodite" She said, how much has Mia been lying to us.

"Thank you Rachael, now Octavian" Athena said with dislike. the boy next to Rachael steeped forward.

"Hi, I'm Octavian descendent of Apollo, roman form. aurgr (spell check), surviver of both wars." the boy said, wow he didn't have many tiles. he stepped back and took Rachael's hand.

That's how we found out Rachael's real identity.

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