Bianca Di Angelo

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Bianca POV

Aisha, Rose and I just run around doing messages for Hades and other gods *cough Hermes cough*. it was really fun til Zeus had to come and ruin it.


We were sitting around a small campfire, joking around and stuff, then out of nowhere Zeus appeared

"Girls I have have a job for you" he told us
"What is it lord Zeus?" I asked
"I want you girls to spend a week at each school on this list to check for monsters and demigods" he told us we looked at him blankly
"What" Rose asked
"I said-" he was cut off by Rose
"I know what you said, but why us?" she asked
"Because all the other demigods are busy and you don't have to hide that you are a demigod" he said and he handed us a list oh ten schools thank gods we only have to go for a week.

*end of flashback*

Now here we are walking up the stairs of Rosewood High. magically our bags filled with everything we will need this week. We noticed that the principle was standing at the doors, I guess we don't need to tell them we are the demigods who were sent here
"Are you the demigods that will be staying here for a week" he asked and we nodded and that's how it began...

*time laps to the last school*

Now finally our final school Gallagher Academy. Great a girl only school but not just girls but rich girls. this is going to be fun. At least we won't be hit on.

As we got there I noticed they had a lot of security, I wonder why. anyway we got out of the car to be welcomed by the headmistress.
"Hello ladies, I'm headmistress Morgan and you are?" she asked
"I'm Bianca and this is Rose and Aisha" I told her
"Well it is lovely to meet you" she said "now will you please follow me" she asked we nodded and followed her to a office. I saw a sign but I couldn't read it since I have dyslexia.

When we went in there were 4 girls in there. one had light brown hair, another had dark skin and brown hair, the one next to her had blonde hair and pale shin and the last one was every pretty with glossy black hair and bright blue eyes, not as bright as Thalia's but still bright.

"Girls this is Bianca, Aisha and Rose" she told the the girls in the office
"Bianca, Aisha and Rose this is Bex, Cammie, Liz and Macy" she told us I smiled at them
"So who are your parents" Liz asked
"Well mine's Hades" I told them
"Mine's Poseidon" Aisha told them
"And mine's Zeus" Rose told them
"Wow children of the Big Three" said Bex in a British accent
"Cool accent" I noted
"Thanks your's to, where's it from?" she asked
"Italy" I told her and she nodded
"Well now it's good to see that your getting along but now I need to tell you something very important" Miss Morgan said
"What is it?" I asked curious to know
"Well you see this school is for special people, this school is a school for spies in training" she told us
"And..." I said she was shocked that we took it so well
"Why aren't you surprise" she asked
"We've been surprised to many times to count, surprise is when you find that you were trapped in a hotel for 70 years" I told them and they stared at me.
"What?" Cammie asked
"I said its a surprise when you found out that you are over 70 years older than what you look" I told them
"How?" Macy asked
"The lotus eaters they trap demigods" I told them and they nodded
"Anyway why don't we introduce you girls to the school" Miss Morgan said we smiled

We walked into the grand hall expecting to see a hall full of girl but we saw boys to. thought this was a girls only school. we walked to the front
"Hello boys and girls today is the start of the week that the demigods will be staying with us" we smiled. "Girls would you like to introduce yourselves" Miss Morgan said. we nodded
"Hi everyone, I'm Bianca Di Angelo daughter of Hades" I said and people sucked in a breath
"Hi I'm Aisha Dean daughter of Poseidon" Aisha said and smiled as everyone's eyes went big
"And I'm Rose Heart daughter of Zeus" Rose said and everyone's mouths dropped to the ground
"Any questions?" I asked and hands shot up everywhere. I pointed to a small girl that looked and about 13
"Um what are your titles?" she asked
"Ok my titles are daughter of hades, escapee of the lotus hotel I was in there for about 70 years, former huntress of Artemis, brought back from the dead and now messenger of hades well mainly hades but I do help out other gods" I said that's when Aisha had a coughing fit I'm pretty sure she said Hermes though that's true.
"Anyway my titles are daughter of Poseidon, escapee of the lotus hotel after about 80 years of being there and messenger of Poseidon and I do help out other gods as well" Aisha said
"My titles are daughter of Zeus, escapee of the lotus hotel I had been in there for about 90 years and I'm the messenger of Zeus and I'm the same as the other girls" Rose said smiling to lazy to say the ending oh well
"So any other questions?" I asked and a guy put his hand up. great I can sense the question he's going to ask. I smiled and pointed to him
"Since you guys a demigods, would you like excel at fighting?" he asked okay not the question I was expecting
"Yeah we are all great fighters" Aisha told them and another girl put up her hand she looked like an Aphrodite girl. I pointed to her
"I heard children of Zeus can fly is that true" she asked
"No only children of Jupiter can" rose answered.
There were plenty of questions wow this is going to be a long week.
$$$$$$$$$$$$TIME LAPS TO END OF THE WEEK$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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