Kylee James - Big Three

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I do not own Kane Chronicles

Kylee POV

Hi I'm Kylee, I go to Goode high and I'm in the same Greek class as the Percy Jackson. Not that I care but other girls would love to be in my spot, especially after this class, here I'll tell you about it.

It was halfway through the class when the teacher finally notice that Percy was sleeping through the class like every other Greek class.

"Mr Jackson, please tell me who Gaea is and who was her Husband and children?" Mrs Reed asked knowing she caught him out.
"Gaea is the Primordial of the Earth her, husband was Uranus, Primordial of the Sky, they were the parents of the Hundred Handed Ones, the Elder Cyclops and the Titans" he said, I was shocked that he knew all that I think everyone was, Mrs Reed regained her posture.

"You forgot some of her children the Giants" she said
"No I didn't you just asked for her and Uranus' children not for her and Tartarus' children" Percy said, I'm pretty sure the teacher was in shock, so I decided to speak up.
"So you know the whole story of Gaea then" I said raising my eyebrow, he nodded
"Fine then, prove it" I said and he told the story of Gaea like it happened just yesterday, from her affair with Uranus to telling her son to kill him to having children with Tartarus.

After that happened the Mrs Reed started talking about a project we have to do and said we get to pick our partners in turn.

"Now Mr Jackson, since you're the Greek expert this lesson you can pick a partner first and don't forget it has to be a girl" Mrs Reed said, that's when all the girls in class started fixing their hair and winking at him, I just rolled my eyes at their behaviour

"Ummm" he said looking around then his eyes landed on me "I chose Kylee" he said. All the girls in the room glared at me.
"Is this alright with you Miss James" Mrs Reed asked, I looked at Percy his eyes pleading at me, that's when I realised he hated the popularity and all the girls asking him out and for once I felt sorry for him.

"Yeah, it's fine" I said, Percy looked relived.

After class Percy came up to me
"Hey, thanks for saying yes" he said
"No problem, but can I ask why you asked me over the other girls in our class" I asked him
"Well if I asked any of the other girls they would instantly think of it as a date and try to make out with me, which would not be good because my girlfriend would most likely kill them and plus I knew if I chose you I wouldn't end up doing all of the work" he explained
"So are you basically saying you hate being popular" I asked
"Basically" he answered
"Great, when do you want to meet up" I asked
"How about Saturday, at my place" he said then got a pen out of his pocket (don't worry it's not riptide) and wrote something on my hand.

"See you later Kylee" he said and walked off. I looked down at hand and saw he wrote his phone number down and 'text me'.

*At Lunch*

I got my lunch and walked over to the table my friend Sadie Kane and her Brother, Carter was sitting at. That's weird Carter normally sits with Percy not his little sister and her friend.
"So is it true, are you partners with Percy Jackson" Sadie asked
"Yeah, so" I said
"So, so Percy Jackson is the most hottest boy in school" she said
"Calm down, he only chose me so he wouldn't have to do it with one of the slutty bitches" I told her rolling my eyes
"Fine but I'm hearing about everything that happens between you two" she demanded
"He has a girlfriend, nothing's going to happen" I told her
"Ok" she said holding her hands up in a mock of surrender.
"Can you not talk about my friend that way Sadie " Carter said rolling his eyes
"What will you do if I don't" Sadie challenged
"I'll tell Walt" he told her
"Don't you dare" she said
"I will" he said
"Why don't we stop fighting and tell me who Walt is" I told them
"Walt is Sadie's boyfriend" Carter told me
"And why haven't I heard about him" I asked looking at Sadie
"Because I don't want to be gossip and don't ask to meet him because he's in Egypt" she told me
That's when Percy came over.
"Hey, mind if I sit here" he asked
"Not at all" Sadie said, he sat down next to me
"Your not happy with Me sitting here are you" Percy asked me
"No it's fine, it's just two populars sitting with two nobody does not happen often" I told him
"You've forgotten haven't you" he told me
"I've forgotten what" I asked
"What I was like before I became popular" he told me, I thought about it for while but I couldn't.
"No I don't remember" I told him
"That's because I was invisible, no one knew who I was, I think some of the teachers forgot about me" he told me, my eyes widen
"I only became popular after I joined the swim team because all the girls saw my amazing abs" he told me smirking
"Don't hold on to that because having a big ego is bad" I told him
"Yeah, Bad a$$" he said, I rolled my eyes
"How does your girlfriend deal with you" I asked
"I don't know but I think it helps her that's we only see each other during the holidays" he told me
"Why" I asked
"Because she lives in San Fransisco" he told me
"I didn't even know you had a girlfriend" Sadie said
"Well it's something I don't want everyone to know" he told me
"Because you don't want the girls to try harder to get you" Carter guessed
"You got it dude" Percy said
That's when the bell rang.


I was in the elevator going up to Percy Jackson's Apartment. I was kinda nervous about being at his apartment especially since his mom and step-dad aren't going to be there.

I knocked the door and someone who is not Percy answered it. The girl in front of me looked about twelve and had black hair and dark brown eyes.
"Sorry I think I got the wrong apartment" I said
"It okay tell me who you're looking for" she said smiling
"Percy Jackson" I told her
"You're are at the right place, I'm Percy's cousin Bianca" she said
"Nice to meet you, I'm Kylee, one of Percy's school friends" I told her
"Cool nice to meet you, come on in but be warned it is crazy in here" she said, I heard people yelling behind her
"Hey Death Princess, did you eat all the cookies" I heard someone shout behind Bianca
"No, I didn't even get one, Sea Princess" Bianca called back letting me through the door.
"Hey Kelp Head you have a visitor" Bianca shouted. With that Percy peered around the corner.
"Kylee, what are you doing here"
"You forgot, we were going to do that assignment today" I told him
"Oh yeah, I forgot" he said
"Really, no" I said sarcastically
"I like this girl" Bianca noted
"Sorry about forgetting, can we go to the you're place tomorrow to do it" he asked
"Sorry no my parents don't like friends over, how about the library" I asked, that's when I heard laughing
"Percy in a library, that's the funniest thing I've heard since people saying that Leo and Reyna should be a thing" a girl with short uneven black hair and electric blue eyes.
"Thalia I've been to the library before" Percy pouted " Kylee before you leave you want to meet my cousins"
"Sure, I've got nothing else to do" I said smiling.
"Guys lounge room now" Percy shouted. I heard shuffling.
"Follow me" percy said and took me around the corner.
when I rounded the corner I saw a bunch of teens ranging from twelve to seventeen. (AN/ I'M TO LAZY TO DESCRIBE EVERYONE TO YOU. ITS ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE BIG THREE AND HERA)
"Ok, Kylee this is Thalia, Jason, Rose, Nico, Hazel, you already know Bianca, Maddie and that's my half sister Aisha"
"Nice to meet you all" I said

And that's how I ended up hanging out with Percy and his Family.

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