Maddie Catch Reveled

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Anthony Core POV

Maddie and I were in English, the teacher was late, so as usual I was annoying her, trying to get her to tell me what her other friends and cousins call her, for some reason she wouldn't tell me and it's making me go crazy trying to find out, I've asked her cousins, the ones that I know anyway, they won't tell me either. It's driving me insane.

After a little more of annoying her, the teacher walked in with a bunch of kids I've never seen before but as soon as Maddie saw them she sat up straighter like all the other girls in class did, because the guys in the group are apparently 'hot' according to the girl next to me, not Maddie, the other side, I'm pretty sure her name is Kate, but I'm not completely sure. The teacher of course was a sub, meaning she was new to us too.

"Hello everyone, I'm Miss Lee and as you can see we have some new students, so please be quiet as they introduce themselves you may ask them questions after they are finish" said Miss Lee. The newbies looked like they were arguing on who's going to speak first just through looks. Then, the guy with black hair and sea green eyes stepped forward.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson and um, what do I say?" He asked

"What was your last school, hobbies, if you have a girlfriend, things like that" Kate said

"Right, my last school was Goode High-" he started, everyone winced at that, Goode's swim team was the best, I wonder why he'd change schools "- Um, I like to swim, I have a girlfriend, she lives in California" he told everyone, he was probably making the girlfriend up so girls wouldn't hit on him. The girl next to him step forward smirking, she was dressed in black and had black hair with an electric blue strip and electric blue eyes, she gave off a rebel vibe.

"I'm Thalia, my last school was Hollywood High and I have a boyfriend" said Thalia, the boys in the class slouched, looking disappointed. Didn't Maddie used to go to Hollywood High? The next one was a girl as well who had dark skin, golden eyes and frizzy cinnamon coloured hair, she looked kind of shy but she stepped forward.

"Hi, I'm Hazel Levenque, my old school was Neptune High, uh, I like to draw and I have a boyfriend" She told everyone, she kind of reminded me of Bianca, the shy, quiet girl who are always nice but can be scary when they want to be. I looked over to Maddie, she was smiling widely, looking at Percy. I sighed, In the short time that I've known Maddie, it has been three days, I've already fallen in love with her. It made me jealous that she was looking at other guys, even though we aren't dating. The next person was a guy with blonde hair and electric blue eyes like Thalia, he also had a pair of gold glasses on.

He stepped forward and said "Hi, I'm Jason Grace, my last school was Salt Water high, I'm kind of good at basketball, by that I mean I have a fifty, fifty chance of getting the ball in the hoop-" we all laughed at that "-and I have a girlfriend, who lives in LA and goes to my sister's old school" he told everyone, is Thalia his sister? Maybe, but the only thing they have in common are their eyes. The last guy stepped forward you could instantly tell that he was a goth. He wore all black, he had black hair and dark eyes, he looked a little bit like Bianca, Percy also looked a lot like Aisha, Rose and Thalia and Jason all have the same blue eyes.

"I'm Nico Di Angelo, I was home schooled and I have a girlfriend" he stated. Wait, Di Angelo isn't that Bianca's last name, does that mean, this is her brother.

"Any questions" Miss Lee asked, all the girls hands flew up, including Maddie's, Percy smirked and pointed at Maddie.

"Do you really have a question for us Maddie?" Percy asked her

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