Jorja McCartney - Big Three Kids

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Jorja POV

Hi I'm Jorja, I have Honey Brown hair and soft blue eyes. I go to Goode high and I'm kinda a nerd. Today I have to go to Percy Jackson's place, he's kinda a loner. I was going over there because we were partnered up for a project in Greek. I'm not looking forward to this project because I know I'll be the one doing everything since he sleeps all through greek. you're probably wondering what is the project about well we have to write an essay on a Greek God and another one on a Greek Goddess.

Once i got to the door, I heard shouting, I could tell the argument was between a girl and a boy but I wonder who. I knocked on the door and waited and waited and waited.

The the door was finally answered by someone was most definitely not percy. Do you want me to tell you why because 1 it was a girl and 2 she looked nothing like percy to even be his sister.
"Um, who are you?" the girl asked
"I'm Jorja, I think I might have gotten the wrong place" I told her
"Oh, who are you looking for?" She asked
"Percy Jackson" I answered
"You got the right place, I'm his cousin Thalia" Thalia said
"Nice to meet you" I smiled
"You too" she smiled back and I could tell she doesn't smile often.

She opened the door wider so I could go in.
"Hey kelp head, someone's here to see you" Thalia shouted. Percy came running down the hallway.
"Jorja, what are you doing here" he asked
"Um, the essay" I told him
"I thought that was tomorrow" he said
"You're the one who said Saturday" I told him
"Riiiight" he said dragging the I
"Percy forgot something, big shocker" a boy said sarcastically walking into the room, he had blond hair and sky blue eyes.
"Jason, whose side are you mine or Nico's" Thalia asked
"Nico's sorry sis" the boy Jason said
"Well don't worry Thalia, I'm on your's" a girl said she had chocolate skin and cinnamon coloured hair
"Thank you Hazel, its two girls against three boys" Thalia told the girl hazel
"Thalia, I didn't do it I swear" a boy with black hair and eyes said coming into the room
"I don't believe you" Thalia said
"What did he do" I asked
"He decided to peek into the girls tent when we were camping, he's lucky that my sister didn't catch or we would be at his funeral" Thalia told me
"Oh" I said
"It wasn't me"
"Really, then why did Ellie say that, she can't lie remember" Thalia said, then they started speaking a different language, it sounded like Greek
"Some family day this was" I heard Jason murmured
"Maybe I should come back another time" I said
"That might be best" percy said and he walked me to the door
"Sorry about that, my cousins are crazy" he said
"I noticed and don't worry I won't tell the whole school" I told him
"Just wondering, what language were they speaking" I asked
"Greek" he said
"Oh can you speak it to" I asked
"Yeah, I'm actually half Greek" he told
"Oh, that's why you sleep in Greek because you know everything" I asked
"Yep" he said
"Cool I guess, see you at school" I said
"Yeah, maybe we could meet in the library at lunch so we can get started" he said
"Sounds great" I told him
"Good, bye" he said
"Bye" I said and walked back home.

That is how I met Percy's crazy family.

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