2 Bakugou

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word count: 2109
edited: 15.11.2021

a/n: If you find any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes let me know!

...'Y/N chan that was supposed to be kept a secret between us.' 'BAKU-KUN SINCE WHE-' Before Y/N could finish her sentence shitty hair hardens his fist and punches me in ma face.

RIP Bakugou Katsuki (jk he is just bleeding. the story goes on.)

POV Bakugou

'Ouch! WHAT WAS THAT FOR SHITTY HAIR?!' I stumble back a little bit from the hit and lift my hand to hold my cheek for a moment and then wiping the blood away with the back of my hand. I have never seen Kirishima angry like that. 'YOU ASSHOLE TRIED TO KISS MY GIRLFRIEND!'

Y/N chan tries to hold him back from punching me again. 'Kiri calm down! Nothing happened!' He just looks down at her for a moment, still angry. 'But he tried to kiss you!' 'Yeah and nothing happened so calm the fuck down!' He takes a deep breath and seems to calm down? 'Good.' She turns around and I flinch when she looks at me. 'Now to you.'


Baku-kun is bleeding a bit but he seems unfazed by it. I hope it's not too bad... I clear my throat before continuing. 'Back to my question. When did my barrier break down? How much could you hear?' 'It broke down when you said that something is nothing to be embarrassed about and then you told him that you like me.' 'Bakubro- so you didn't hear who I like?' 'Hah? No? Was that important?'

I roll my eyes at his ignorance of other people and just say it. 'He said that he likes you.' You can see a blush appearing on his cheeks. He looks back and forth between Kiri and me and his face is bright red when he finally reacts and looks at Kiri. 'EEEEEEEEEH?! YOU?! You like me?! WHAT?! Since when and WHY? - wait what the fuck is happening here?!'

I chuckle but answer him. 'Well Kiri and I like eachother and are dating as you know. But we like you on the same level. And the only thing we know about you is that you like me.' He looks like a lost puppy...

POV Bakugou

'Bakubro? Are you okay? You are extremely red it's kinda concerning.'
Both of them like me?! I mean I knew Y/Nchan likes me already but Kirishima? I didn't think he would- why the fuck would he even like me back?

Ok just calm down Katsuki! You got this! NOPE! THIS IS CLEARLY TOO MUCH! Well we could try out a polyamorous relationship? Would they be up for it? But isn't it weird asking for that now?! Huh? 'Why do you two back away?' Kirishima laughs and holds Y/Nchans shoulders, like he was pulling her backwards. 'Well you made little explosions and I thought it would be better to get some distance.'

'Oh.' I didn't realize I did that... 'I didn't realize it. Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.' 'Baku-kun? What were you thinking about?' 'Uh well...' Should I ask them? Well I guess it's no use not saying anything. Maybe they agree? 'What do you guys think about poly relationships?'


'You mean more than two in a relationship?' 'Yeah.' I shrug and say I have nothing against it. 'Kiri?' 'Uh I'm up for it but- why?' Baku-kun smirks and shakes his head before coming closer to us. 'Gosh Shitty Hair you are so dumb.' He walks past me and when he is in front of Kirishima- he takes him by the neck and kisses him?!

I watch them shocked. I guess Kiri is just as shocked about this as I am but he still closes his eyes and leans in, kissing back. Does that- does that mean Baku-kun likes him too? That- huh. When they let go eachother again the blonde leaves the confused hot mess of my boyfriend there and turns to me. 'Can I or you gonna build a shitty wall again?'

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