6 surprise party

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word count: 1086

edited: 23.03.2021

Hitoshi and Y/N are blinded by the bright light and just a second after the blindfolds are off-

POV nobody

Class 1A and some teachers yell 'SURPRIIIIIISEEEE'. Everybody gets silent, Y/N and Hitoshi look at each other and Y/N smiles and yells 'HIZASHI CAN MY FAVOURITE DJ GIVE US SOME MUSIC OR WHAT?!' Present Mic looks so happy and screams back 'HELL YEAH LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!'

POV Present Mic (Yamada Hizashi)

She called me her favourite DJ!! The party scene is perfect, flying balloons with LEDs in the air thanks to Uraraka, snacks, drinks and guests that want to party! What more could I ask for? Even Shota is here even though it's getting louder than normal. Midnight is also here and AllMight is coming later. Perfect. The first few party songs are good, but they could dance a bit more! 'COME ON HERE IS A GOOD SONG TO DANCE TO' They are loving it.


'I would have never thought you guys would do something like that! It's wonderful!' Hitoshi seems to also have fun, that's rare but good for him. ' KIRI BAKU COME DANCE WITH ME!!' I grab their hands and go to the middle of the dance floor. We dance and I must say they are pretty good but what about slow songs? I wave to Hizashi and he understands, thankfully. 'AND HERE IS A SLOW SONG! EVERYBODY GRAB A PARTNER AND DANCE! MIDNIGHT YOU HAVE TO BE THE DJ FOR A SECOND!' 'Oh come on Mic! But fine' Midnight goes to switch places with Mic and turns the music up.

It is really a slow song, but with whom of them should I dance? Before I could ask them Bakugou grabs my hand and 'Y/N chan would you do me the favour of dancing with me first?' 'Of course honey!' He grabs me and holds me close. My heart is beating so fast!! He spins me around and I can see the other pairs dancing. Hizashi with Shota, Izu and Ochako, SHOTO AND HITOSHI WHAT?! When did and who and what? They both seem happy. Hmm I will talk later with him. OOh Denki and Jirou are dancing together and she actually smiles!

'Y/N chan stop staring at the others that's rude' he holds me so close now. 'That's coming from you Bakugou senpai?' 'I am only looking at you right now.' He smiles and holds me even closer so that I can hear his heartbeat. I can hear his heartbeat more clearly than the music now and it's beating as fast as mine. That makes me so happy. 'Uhm Y/N chan? The song is over. You can let go now'

'Huh? It's over already? Uhm okay..' He leans down and kisses me 'I love you Y/N chan let's go to our boyfriend'. I can't think straight anymore... How can he be so amazingly sweet?! 'Ah there is our Sharky. Hey Sharky! You can have her for the next few songs I need something to eat' He pushes me into Kiris arms, gives him a kiss on the cheek and walks off.

'Y/N is everything okay? Did he do something?' 'No he is just so-' Perfect? Manly? Smooth? Yep I agree.'  I look up at Kiri and smile 'Yes. And he just held me so close that I could hear his heartbeat and after that he said he loves me.' 'As expected of him. So manly.' Kiri smirks and then adds 'But you know Y/N? I also love you' and with that he leans down and kisses me.

'Babe stop that! I can't handle it when you two are so adorable and smooth!' Kiri laughs and takes me to the dance floor. We dance and sing to >Shut UP and Dance< And in the middle of the song Bakugou grabs me from behind and laughs when I sqeal. 'Hehe surprised you again heh? Here have something to drink you two' He hands us both a limo and we go to the couch. Nobody is there so we decide to sit down. After a while Sero, Mina, Denki and Jirou come and sit down. They want something to eat and also talk.

After Hitoshi also comes to sit down ( I am amazed he wasn't here earlier), we tell them that the three of us share a room. They say that they are happy for us but if anything happens or if I just want some time without them I can just go to Mina or Jirou and sleep there.

After a while Kiri fell asleep on my shoulder. AllMight came at some point to join the party, he didn't dance very much but he stayed to help clean up the mess we made. Shota is long gone because he is always tired and he said that it's too loud. He said goodbye and hoped we wouldn't party too much. And he said he will gives us the next day off because he is way too tired.

Bakugou curses because he doesn't want to wake Kiri up, but we have to. Kiri said just 5 more minutes and snuggled closer to me. And that's the point where Bakugou loses his cool and throws Kiri over his shoulder. I can stand up again and see Shoto cleaning up. 'Shoto! Can you carry Hitoshi to your room? I don't want to wake him up he needs his sleep.' 'Uh ehm yeah I can do that..'

'Thank you Shoto! And don't overthink too much! If you don't think so much then you maybe realize your true feelings and have the courage to confess to Hitoshi.' He blushes 'I- I don't know what you mean by that Y/N... I bet he doesn't like me back.' 'Shoto. I am his best friend. Trust my advice and if you find your manliness somewhere again you better thank me.'

Bakugou suddenly stands behind me and I jump when he starts talking. 'Well said Y/N chan. Oh come on don't say I surpised you again! That's the fourth time today! Come it's time to sleep.' He grabs my hand and I say goodnight to Shoto before focusing on Bakugou again. He still has Kiri over his shoulder. 'Isn't he heavy?' 'Nope. What do you think of me? Don't trusting me to carry Sharky tsk.' 'You know that's not what I meant!' 'Yes I know. And no he isn't heavy. I may not look like it but I am strong.' 'Hehe I know that Bakugou senpai!' He smiles.

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