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Author note:

Hey guys! Sorry for posting so unregularely. I am kinda not having any inspirations right now... And I am currently having 3 books at the same time. Could be a bit dumb but whatever. I really like writing and hope you enjoy reading my works.

If you want to read more you can always check out my other works! There is also a Dabi x Neko Reader one and a Draco x Reader. (The Dabi one is having some lemons.) The Draco one is new and I have some ideas but I am not completly sure how exactly it will proceed.

And let me be honest with you... I am putting pretty much effort into my stories. You may not have noticed but the chapters that are also happening in the manga are relatively close to the original story. I try to write my stories like that because I want to give you guys the feeling that it could actually happen like that while the original story is proceeding. That is especially easy with the villain story because we don't know very much about what they are doing.

But it's a pain in the ass with the Draco story because there are things I need pretty long until I find it and I am currently reading the book while writing it. It will have major differences but I hope it's still good...

Well... Check out my other books if you'd like! And comment some more!

Thank you so much for reading my story until here. I started in February with this and it's going amazingly well. Thank you all sooo much!

Btw if you want to know what Katsuki and Eijiro did after Katsuki dragged our beloved redhead away... just say so and I may write it for you~

I am thinking about starting a one-shots book. But that will only happen when I have some of my dear readers comment on what they want me to write! If I get 10+ comments from you about wanting to read something specific I will start a one shot book with more details. (Or when I have 100 followers but I think that takes a while.)

Thanks for reading until here. I love you guys <3

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