22 Monoma

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word count: 2634

edited: not yet

a/n: Monoma is kind of ooc, but I hope that's okay. Couldn't write him better. I like him so I wanted to include him in the story more. Have fun! <3

POV Monoma

Hah another beautiful day to go to 1A and insult them! And I can't see Kendo anywhere near to stop me! Perfect.

POV Nobody

Some students of 1A are in the main area of the dorm and minding their business until- 'HAH?! YOU OH SO PERFECT 1A STUDENTS THINK YOU CAN JUST SIT HERE AND DO NOTHING?! OH YOU ARE ALL SO TALENTED MY ASS!' Y/N turns around only to see that blond haired bitch Monoma laughing sarcastically. She stands up, even when the rest tells her it's no use.

POV Monoma

I still laugh at them until that new girl stands up and walks to me. 'Monoma! We aren't doing nothing. We are recovering from our hard training the whole week. What did you do the whole time? Looked in the mirror to tell yourself you aren't a pathetic piece of shit? Hah? Did it work?'

'You think you are so cool? You weren't even in that class from the beginning! You should just shut up.' 'Yes Monoma you are right that I wasn't in this class from the beginning. I failed the test with the robots because my barriers are pretty useless against them. I can't attack with barriers. Even your small brain should get that.' 'Why didn't you get rescue points then? Like AllMights favourite over there?'

'Because everybody in my group could look after themselves. I am sad we weren't in the same group. I could have gotten so many points from rescuing you.' 'You saying I am weak?!' 'Oh wow you really understood what I was saying! You aren't as brainless as I thought!'

Ok that is enough. How can she be so confident? 'Wanna fight?' 'Against you? Hah you are funny.' She laughs and wipes off a fake tear. 'I am serious. Fight me girl.' 'My name is Y/N. You should remember that. What do I get if I win?'

'I will buy you food or something. It doesn't matter because I will win.' 'Pff as if.' She gets into a fighting stance and I do the same. Todoroki asks if someone should stop her, but we count down and sprint to eachother. She dodges my attack and- where is she? Gahhh-


'That bitch better buy me some good food later. Shoto help me!' 'Sure Y/N. But did you have to do that?' 'He wouldn't have stopped otherwise. He isn't hurt and he requested the fight. His fault.' Shoto nods and helps me get Monoma to the couch. We lay him down and I wait until he awakes. In the meantime Katsuki comes to me and kisses me.

'You are so damn sexy Y/N chan, showing that extra his place.' I kiss back but let go after just a few seconds and whisper 'Not here Honey.' 'Just a little fun?' 'Honey. Can you control your damn hormones or do I have to knock you out too?' 'You are so hot, you know that right?'

'Yes I know that my dumbass of a boyfriend gets turned on when I act like him. Eijiro isn't any better...' Katsuki smirks and kisses me again. 'Where is Sharky?' 'I think he said something about meeting with Denki earlier.' 'I think the extra is waking up.'

Monoma moves and opens his eyes groaning. 'Oh are you with us again?' 'What- how?' 'I am fast. Best combat fighter in 1A. Do your research before you call someone weak again.' 'How did you win so fast?' 'I did my research on you. Your quirk and how you fight and stuff.' 'Why would you do that? I am just in 1B. You are the superior class, like everybody calls you.'

'Monoma you are really dumb are you? Class A isn't really superior to B. It is just a dumb ranking. Stand up asshole I want my food now.' He groans and curses but stands up. 'Your name was Y/N?'

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