8 True feelings

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word count: 1518

edited: 23.03.2021

POV  nobody

As soon as they saw the bakery Y/N asks Hitoshi what he wants. 'Nothing sweet please. I'll wait here.' Y/N enters the bakery and buys a bagel for Hitoshi, a sandwich for herself and some croissants for her boyfriends.

Meanwhile Hitoshi waits outside until he spots a crying girl and slowly approaches her. 'Hey little girl. Where are your parents?' The girl looks up at him and answers. 'I-I don't know I wanted a donut and came here and my mommy was with me but I started running and and' she cries even more. 'Hey it's alright. Don't cry. I can help you find your mommy. Come here let's wipe these tears off and we will find her.' Hitoshi wipes the tears of the little girl off and holds her hand so he won't lose her.

'Hitoshi I got a bagel for you! Huh who is that girl?' 'She lost her mother so I said I will help her searching.' 'You really are hero material Hitoshi' Y/N leans down to the girl and smiles. The little one smiled back and then she screams 'MOMMYY!!' and runs to woman who hugs her. 'Is this your daughter Ma'am?' 'Yes thank you for looking after her! Are you two heroes? You look so young.' Hitoshi smiles and Y/N answers 'No we aren't heroes yet. We go to UA'

'I hope you two become great heroes in the future! Wait. Sweetie did you cry? Who wiped off your tears?' 'Uhm that was me. Is there a problem?' Hitoshi gets slightly nervous. 'Oh no. She just manifested her quirk and can't control it yet!' 'Miss please calm down. What is her quirk?' Now Y/N also gets nervous.

'It's the same as mine. If somebody has contact to our tears they will have to tell the person they love most that they love them. It happens when the loved person talks to you. I am so sorry. I told her to wipe her tears off herself.' 'Hitoshi... You know what that means right?' 'Yes Y/N I know. Miss is there any way that the effect of the quirk wears off?' 'If you don't want your loved person to know that you love them you should avoid them for the next 57 hours. If you don't avoid them and they talk to you... The first thing you would say are your honest feeling towards this person.'

Hitoshi and Y/N look at eachother and Y/N wants to be sure 'So if he avoids this loved person for the next 57hours his secret would be safe and he could tell them normaly?' 'Yes that is correct. I am so sorry. I hope everything goes well for you boy.' 'Mhm thank you miss. Stay safe and look after your daughter.' Hitoshi walks away. 'Is it so bad?'

'Well it's kinda impossible to avoid his loved one for him because we go to the same class and stuff. We will eventually find a way to solve this. Otherwise I don't think it would be that bad if he states his true feelings. They love eachother. They just don't know it. Thank you miss I must go now.' 'I hope you get a hero someday. You are so polite and cute you would make a very good hero.' 'Thank you miss! Y/N bows and then rushes off into the direction where Hitoshi went.

POV Hitoshi

How can I avoid him for the next 57 hours? That's not possible... 'Hitoshi wait!' Ah here she is. 'Where are you walking off to?' 'I don't know. I need to avoid him. I don't want to confess like this...' Oh no now I'm starting to cry 'Hey.. Hey Hitoshi don't cry. It's not so bad to talk about your feelings. And if you really don't want to tell him we will find a way to solve this.' She hugs me and I cry into her shoulder.

She tries to calm me down and somehow it's working. 'Thank you Y/N. Thank you for being there for me.' 'Shoto is probably still training so we can go back to my room and decide what you should do.' 'Sounds good.' I'm still crying a bit but hopefully we find a way to avoid Shoto.

POV nobody

When they get back to the dorm they see Shoto talking to Izuku and hide behind the bushes. 'Oh shit what do we do Y/N?' 'Calm down and give me a second. I'm texting Izuku.'


Izu please answer!

t's important!

Did something happen?

I need your help!

What can I do?

Can you please go with Shoto somewhere? Distract him with videogames or something

Can I ask why?

We need to distract him for now.

lease Izu?

Fine. I will distract him but you owe me one.

Thank you!!

'Okay Izu should distract him for a while.' We watch as both of them go into the dorm and into the kitchen. 'Ok now Hitoshi!' Thankfully we avoided Shoto and are finally safe in my room.

POV Kirishima

When do they get back? What is taking them so long? 'Ugh.. Sharky? What happened? Wait she didn't seriously knock me out?' 'She did and it was scary. We should never anger her.' 'Holy shit. Our girlfriend has some scary skills. But that kind of makes her even more awesome. How long was I knocked out?' 'About 30 minutes. They have gone to the bakery but I wonder what takes them so long?' Suddenly the door opens and Y/N and Shinsou run inside and slam the door shut.

Bakugou now sits next to me and asks 'What happened to you two?' 'Oh Bakugou senpai you are awake. I didn't hit you too hard did I?' Bakugou shakes his head no. 'Okay that's good. Ehm to your question. Long story short: Hitoshi got hit by a quirk and now he has to avoid Shoto for the next 57 hours or he must tell Shoto how he feels.' 'Well that is a shitty quirk. How the hell did you get hit buy some quirk like that?'

The two of them still stand by the door and Y/N tries to explain 'He wanted to help a little girl that was searching her mother and somehow her quirk is that whoever gets in contact with her tears will have to tell the person they love that they love them. The quirk will wear off after 57hours. So Hitoshi needs to avoid Shoto for 57 hours. Otherwise he would have to tell Shoto his true feelings.'

Bakugou sighs and says 'Well 57 hours is pretty long. How can someone avoid their roommate for so long? I have no idea how we could help.' Shinsou looks at us now 'I know it's impossible for me to avoid him. And I also know that I should probably tell him my true feelings. But this is just too much!'

*Knockknock* I ask 'Who is there?' 'It's me Shoto. Can I talk to Y/N?' 'Shoto? Ehm yes wait a minute! Hitoshi go into the bathroom. The quirk only takes effect if he talks to you right? So it should be okay if you just go in there.' Shinsou stands up and goes into the bathroom. Y/n opens the door and lets Shoto in. 'Sorry guys did I interrupt something?'

'If you would have interrupted us then we clearly wouldn't let you in here Icyhot' 'You are probably right Bakugou. Y/N I wanted to talk to you about Hitoshi. I thought about what you said yesterday that I should confess and tell him what I feel but I can't find him anywhere. He isn't in our room, so I wanted to ask you if you know where he is.' He wants to confess? 'Shotobro? You are sure that you like Shinsou?' 'Yes Kirishima I am sure.'

Bakugou stands up and walks towards the bathroom 'Well if you are sure then I don't know where the fucking problem is. Hey Icyhot! Your roommate got hit by a true feelings quirk so you can be sure that it's the truth what he will tell you now.' And with that he opens the bathroom door and throws Shinsou at Shoto. 'AAAH don't throw me!'

POV nobody

Shoto catches Hitoshi in his arms and says 'Hitoshi?' 'I- I love you Shoto! Please go out with me!' 'I love you too Hitoshi. I thought you would never ask.' Hitoshi gets bright red and leans in to kiss Shoto and Shoto of course kisses back. 'Now that you two finally confessed, we don't have to witness this embarrassing vibes you two give off.'

The two still kiss and Bakugou gets angry 'IF YOU WANNA MAKE OUT DO IT IN YOUR OWN ROOM! NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT SHIT!!' Shoto looks at Bakugou and says 'Bakugou you literally have a boyfriend and don't want to see two guys kissing?'

'You can't compare that! I love this dork but I don't want you two to have a make out session in my room! NOW GO!' and with that Shoto and Hitoshi went hand in hand to their own room.

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