4 the room and the rules

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word count: 1441

edited: 23.03.2021

POV nobody

After their schoolday ended Y/N and Hitoshi stay to talk about the day. She told her boyfriends that she would wait for them in the cafeteria because she wants some tea.

POV Mina

I need to find these two idiots... where are they and where is Shoto? Gosh they know that we need to distract Y/N and Shinsou before we can start decorating... There they are! 'Kiri! Baku! Wait!' 'Huh? Mina? What's up girl?' 'I need you two to distract Y/N! Remember we wanted to throw a big surprise party for her and Shinsou?' Kirishima nods 'Oh yeah totally forgot that, Bakubro you got any ideas?'

'First thing stop calling me bro that's weird since I'm your boyfriend now. And second yeah. We could show her our room, and I bet she will love her bed, it's so fluffy, just like she wanted it.''Nice idea uh Baku. It will distract her and we can decorate the last bit of our room with her.' Kiri kissed Bakugou on the cheek and I realize what they just said. 'Eh guys did you say 'our room'? What do you mean by that?'

'Oh yeah nobody knows this yet but we share a room with Y/N now. Don't worry she has enough space and her own bathroom' Kirishima looks at me like he just said the most normal thing on earth and because of that face he is making I need a few seconds to understand what he just told me. 'WHAAAAT YOU TWO SHARE A ROOM WITH HER?! AND THE TEACHERS ALLOWED THAT?!?!?'

'SHUT UP RACOONEYES' *BOOMBOOM* oh shit Bakugou scares me sometimes but it did help. 'Uh does anyone know about this? I guess not so will you tell the others?' Kiri: 'Uh yeah nobody except the teachers know but we could tell them at the party when everyones there.'

'Sounds good to me. We should head of to Y/N chan now. Come on.' Bakugou grabs Kiris hand and turns into the direction of the cafeteria. Kiri blushes and waves me goodbye. Wow I would've never thought that Baku could be like that. Oh wait there was another problem! Shinsou! Gonna text Shoto that he should distract him.


'Oh Hitoshi? What do you think about the boys and me living in the same room?' 'Glad you asked. Personally I think it's not a good idea for a girl to live with two boys but since I know you and how fast you can knock someone out or how scary you can be I trust you to handle them.'

'Aaw thanks Hitoshi. You are the best!! And I'm still sorry for that time I knocked you out' I hug Hitoshi very tightly and he hugs me back with a smile. But I feel someone behind me and let go. I turn around and see a smiling Kirishima and an angry Bakugou. 'Heyyy. Why you looking so angry Bakugou senpai? Wait. You're not jealous are you? - BAHAHAHAH the great Bakugou Katsuki jealous about his girlfriend hugging her best friend that's so hilarious'

I can't control my laughter and it gets even worse when I see Bakugou blush. I was right. He is jealous. He grabs my hand and I stop laughing to look up at him. I look back to Hitoshi and see that Shoto came to pick him up. Kiri says that they want to show me our room and we walk to the dorm together.

timeskip to their room

POV nobody

'Y/N chan? Are you ready?' 'Bakugou senpai I waited the whole weekend with Hitoshi because I couldn't get here so yes I am ready to see our room' Kirishima smiles and opens the door for Y/N and they walk in. She is amazed of how good it looks until she spots one thing in particular. She yells and runs to the big fluffy bed and jumps in 'OMG IT'S SO BIIIIIG'. Bakugou walks towards her bed and smirks 'You know what else is big?'

Y/N looks at him and blushes. Meanwhile Kirishima opens the door to the bathroom and yells 'The bathroom!'. Bakugou and Y/N look at eachother and then at Kiri and both of them burst out laughing while Kiri doesn't understand whats going on.

'I wanna see the bathroom but I don't wanna stand up! This bed is so comfy!' Kirishima and Bakugou look at each other and Kirishima nods. Bakugou goes to Y/N, kisses her and then carries her bridal style to Kirishima and lets her down. Both stare in amazement and then all of them go into the bathroom to realize it's more than big enough for all of them.

Bakugou mumbles 'I think Midnight said something to make the bathroom so big.' Y/N smiles and responds 'Well yes, you're probably right about that. I don't mind if you also use the shower or this bath. But please wear swimwear' 'Only if you will join us and wear a bikini!' Bakugou laughs to Kirishimas response but nods anyways.

POV Kirishima

'Ok so we need to pass some time so Y/N what do you wanna do?' 'Hmm I think since we are three people in the same room we need some rules.' Baku and I nod. We all go into our room again and sit down at the big table. Bakugou is writing the list because he has the best handwriting.


'Since I am the only girl here I will start. As we already said we will wear swimwear in our bath. And yes you two are also allowed to use our bathroom. When I am not showering at the moment. Wait does it have a lock?' 'Makes sense and yes I think there is a lock. Wait a sec' Kirishima stands up and goes to the bathroom door 'Yes there is a lock.' 'Ok good. I wanna add the next thing: we need a plan for the trash and who will clean up. I don't want to live in a messy room.'

'Ugh fine... but that can wait until tomorrow? I want to add that we will wake eachother up on school days and let eachother sleep on our days off.' 'That's a wonderful idea babe!' 'Sounds good for me. Uhm Y/N chan are you okay with Kiri and me walking around shirtless? Because you got a nosebleed when you saw me you know'

'Uh I wasn't prepared that day! But thanks for asking honey. It would be good if you two would at least wear a tanktop when you are here. I will tell you when I'm okay with shirtless hotties walking around.' both boys blush. 'Eh Y/N not even me? You know my superhero outfit. That's kinda the same thing' 'Kiri babe I love your hero outfit but I hate it that others see you like that. And everytime you wear it I struggle not to nosebleed.'

'Oh sorry' 'No don't apologize! Your hero outfit is so cool and manly! It's perfect for you.' 'I must agree with her. But Y/N chan we need to work on your nosebleeds. And for the list, can we hang up a poster with the best 50 heroes? I wanna be up to date.' 'BAKUGOU SENPAI I didn't know you were a nerd just like Izu!'

'I am nothing like that shitty nerd! The only thing we have in common is that we had to play together as kids and we both liked AllMight. That's all. I wanna be the number one hero so I must know who the top heroes are.' 'Okok it's alright to be a fanboy. And I would also like to have that list. But with pictures and can we do the best 70?' 'Thanks Y/N chan and sure why not' 'I want to add a rule! We need to go on a date every week! I don't care if we are just here and play video games or if we go out and eat something. We need to have some couple activities'

'Aaw you're adorable' (Y/N&Baku at the same time) they look at each other and laugh while Kiri blushes. 'But I like the idea.' 'Same here. Anything to add?' the boys shake their heads. The three of them pin the rules on the wall and leave some space for more ideas. Kirishima looks at the time 'I think it's about time. Baku?' 'Huh time for what?'

*bingbing* Bakugou looks at his phone 'Yep it's time. Y/N chan we need to blindfold you' 'Uhm okay? I trust you' Bakugou blindfolds Y/N and picks her up bridal style so she won't know where they take her.

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