21 hair dye

815 20 18

word count: 3549

edited: 26.03.2021

a/n: light angst


Eijiro and I went to the park today and at some point there was a villain and we had to run away. We would have catched them easily but we aren't allowed because we don't have our licenses yet... The police caught the villain, because we ran into the direction of the police station and screamed for them to help. I was completly exhausted and Eijiro laughed because of me trying to catch my breath for so long.

We went back to our dorm and met Katsuki. 'Where were you?' 'At the park.' 'Y/N chan why are you so sweaty?' 'There was a villain and we had to run away. That dumbass here is way to fast for me. And I was not prepared to run so suddenly. Don't tell me that we need to suddenly run as heroes and that I have to be prepared all the time.' 'Why should I tell you that if you already know it?'

'Uhm you two should calm down. I also didn't think we would have to run. We just wanted to go to the park after all.' Eijiro smiles and holds us, so we won't fight. I cross my arms and click my tongue. 'At least you got me an ice cream.' 'Sharky you got her an ice cream?' Katsuki pouts and I grin. 'Heh. And we shared!' 'UNFAIR! I also want ice cream!' 'Katsuki you sound like a brat.'

He pouts and looks to the side. 'Eijiro next week we will go on a date.' 'Kat- Katsuki? I uhm... okay. What do you want to do?' 'You let me decide?' I feel like the third wheel now... 'Well yes. The park today was my idea. But it will probably rain next week.' 'There is a place I wanted to go for some time now... We could go there.' 'Sure.'

They both suddenly look at me. 'Wha- what? Something on my face?' Both smirk and say 'Yep.' They come closer and at the same time they lean down. Katsuki and Eijiro give me a kiss on my cheeks before backing away and smiling at me. I get bright red and hold my cheeks. 'Adorable Y/N chan.' 'So cute babe.'

'Y/N chan? Wanna shower with me?' 'Are you sure? Last time I asked you you refused me.' 'I am the one asking. You think I would ever ask for something of you two I am not sure about?' Eijiro blushes. 'Wha- what would you ask us for example?' Now also Katsuki blushes. 'Shut up idiot. Y/N chan? I need an answer.' 'I uhm okay.' He smiles and says he has to bring the key to Aizawa but he will not let me wait for too long.

He rushes off and Eijiro and I go to our room. 'Y/N? You are still red.' 'It's just that he asked this time. I will put on a bikini...' 'Wear the pink one. You know with the skirt bottom.' 'Huh? Why? And how do you know of that?' 'Shinsou told me you brought that when shopping with him.' 'Hitoshi that little- uh ok wait.' I go and change into the bikini he said I should wear and come back to him.

'Katsuki will like that.' I blush and hide my face behind my hands. 'Why did you ask for this one? I also have others...' 'Because it is extremly cute. Trust me he will like it.' I lower my hand and look at him. 'Wha- uhm what about you?' He smiles and comes closer, holding my chin up with his finger. He leans down and whispers in my ear. 'You are fucking adorable Babe. But I like the more revealing ones more.'

He kisses right beneath my ear and backs away looking at me blushing. I can't get a word out and just stare at him with an open mouth. 'I'm here.' Katsuki comes in and I shriek running to the bathroom and closing the door.

POV Katsuki

'Sharky? What did you do?' 'Why do I always have to do something?' He smirks. He did something. 'Eijiro.' 'Fine. Just told her that you like cute things.' 'What?' 'You told me when we were normal roommates that you like girls in cute bikinis.' 'Oh yeah I did... I didn't think you would remember that... I just told you so you would shut up. And I didn't want you to find out that I had a crush on you...'

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