34 Kaminari Denki

405 8 3

word count: 4983

edited: - not yet

POV Kaminari Denki

Ow my head hurts... Where am I? I look around and see trees. Many trees. Is this the schools forest? Seems like it. Hmmm... I stand up but- shouldn't I be seeing more? Why can't I even reach- I look down and 'WHAT THE HELL?!'

'Huh? Not only my body but also my voice is different?' And what am I wearing?! Orange raincoat... I can't remember that I wore this before. I sigh and sit down. 'Why am I so small? I can't remember anything...' Maybe I should just go back to the dorm. If this is UA forest then it shouldn't be that far.

I stand up again and walk in one direction. I hope I am walking towards the school... Oh I think over there is the end of the forest! I walk a bit faster and it's already dark? How long was I in there? '- my tongue is numb!' 'Well sucks to be you then.' These voices...

Kirishima and Bakugou! So it's not a time travel quirk! I heard those exist too. Bakugou goes to Y/N and Kiri stands up I go to him and tug at his pants. He looks down to me. 'Huh? What? How did you get in here? And past the security system?' That is not the important part here Kiri!

Kiri bends down to me 'Kiri...' 'How do you know my na-' He stops and stares at me. Y/N and Baku are calling him. 'How did this happen?' I pout. 'I don't know what happened... I just woke up like this in the schools forest...' Y/N comes towards us and asks if Kiri is okay and 'Who is the little kid?' 

Kiri picks me up suddenly- 'Wha- Hey! Why did you have to pick me up like that?! I can walk on my own you know?!' He just tells me to calm down and turns to the other two. 'Who is that? Do you know him?' Kiri turns me in his arms now, so that I can see the other two. 'DENKI?!'

I nod and they stare in disbelief. 'Are you Denkis brother?' 'What?! No! I am me! I don't have siblings.' I look at Kiri to see if he believes me. 'Kiri? You know that I am me right?' 'Yeah. But what happened?' 'I already said I don't know!' 'Let us go inside first.' They walk to the dorm. I am still in Kiris arms... 'You know that you can let me down?'

Kiri nods and I sigh. I know he won't drop me but I still hug him so I don't fall. We reach the dorm and go inside. It's so bright in here... I hide my face in Kiris shoulder. 'You okay?' 'I am not! Do I look okay to you?!' 'Sorry bro.' 'There you are finally! We were waiting for you! Now we can tell Aizawa that you are back and he doesn't have to worry.' 'Well about that...'

Momo asks why Kiri is carrying a kid. 'Well this is Kami.' 'What?' He lets me down and Momo bends down to see me. 'Denki? Is this really you?' 'Yes... I don't know how it happened...' 'Oh my...' Mina comes down the stairs- 'Has anyone seen Kaminari? Jirou is searching for him!' I quickly hide behind Kiris legs.

'Kami?' 'I don't want Kiyoka to see me like this!' Mina comes to us now. 'Hey. Since when are you back?' 'They arrived a few minutes ago.' 'Well okay. Have you seen Kami?' They all look at me without saying anything. 'Kami?' 'Yeah?' She comes to me and bends down. 'Huh? Why are you getting red?'

'Your- your shirt.' 'Huh?' She looks down and then grins. 'Mina.' Mina looks to Y/N and then sighs, standing up again. 'I will get Jirou. She should know abou-' 'NO!' I hide behind Kiri a bit more now. 'He doesn't want her to see him like that.' 'Why?' 'It's embarrassing! It's already enough that you are all seeing me like this!' 'I bet she wouldn't mind. You are a bit cute like that.' 'Momo!'

'Well most kids are cute.' 'Can you please distract Kiyoka for today? Please? Momo?' She sighs and then smiles at me. 'Fine. But you will have to tell her later.' She takes Mina and Y/N to go upstairs. 'Hey girls. What are you up to?' 'Going to Jirou.' Sero comes to us and sees me. 'Who is that little guy Kiri? Your brother?'

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