29 shopping with Sero

648 13 10

word count: 4934

edited: 16.05.2021

a/n: the next chapter will be angst and I didn't want to give you angst after the wholesome Adoption chapter. The second part of this is a bit lime. no lemon. sorry for those who wait for the lemons. Read my second story (Dabixnekoreader) for some spicy stuff.

POV Mina

'Baku!' He just wanted to get into his room but turns around to me. 'What do you want?' 'Is Y/N there?' 'I don't know. Look for yourself.' He opens the door. 'Hey idiots. I am bac- Uh nevermind Mina. She is not here.' He slips into the room and I hear him lock it. 'What the hell Baku?!' I bang on the door but since I get no response I just leave again...

Not my problem when she doesn't have time to go shopping with me. I just ask someone else. 'Hey Hagakure!' 'Hey Mina!' 'Wanna go shopping with me?' 'I don't have any money right now.' 'No problem. We won't buy anything. It's more fun to just try the clothes on then to actually buy them.'

'Well then okay. I still have a bit money. So we can eat something in the mall!' 'Great! Let's go then.' I text Y/N that we will go shopping another day. 'Hi Sero!' 'Hey girls. Where are you going?' 'To the mall!' 'Hm... Would you mind if I come along?'

Hagakure shrugs. 'I don't see why not. Mina?' 'You can if you really want to go shopping with us.' 'I don't mind. And I need something to wear on a potential date.' 'A DATE?! You have to tell us more!' Hagakure is a bit more happy about it than Sero himself. He blushes lightly and nods.

'First we should get there.' Some time later we are in the mall and go to a clothing shop. 'So? Sero? Who is the lucky one?' 'Well I don't really know if it is a real date. We are basically just studying and then maybe going to eat something together.' 'Who is iiiiiiiit?!'

'Geez Hagakure calm down. It's Honenuki from class B.' 'The one with the softening quirk?' 'Did he make you soft?' Hagakure chuckles and I laugh at her joke. 'Okay I get it. It was not a good idea to go shopping with two girls.' 'Oh don't be like that Sero! We will help you find something.' 'Thank you.'

'Do you have an idea yourself?' 'I thought something casual. I don't want to look too extra if it isn't a date.' 'Understandable.' 'What about a shirt?' 'No Mina that is too casual!' 'You are right. Hmm... You look for something here and I will go over there okay?' 'Uhm girls?' 'Sero you come with me.' I grab his arm and drag him to the pants.

'You two are taking this a bit too serious.' 'We have to! You want to impress him right?' Sero nods and blushes a bit. 'Gosh you sure are cute when you are embarrassed.' 'Mina.' 'Sorry.' I stick my tongue out and look at some pants. 'I have pants in the dorm you know?' 'Yours are lame.' 'Thanks.'

I smile and give him black jeans. 'Do you have something you will definetly wear?' 'I thought about this jacket. I know it's not really cold, but it's better to be prepared.' 'True. Okay... Black jacket... Oh these are nice!'

'Blue jeans?' 'Nah. These here. They are ripped. It makes you look cool!' He smiles and takes them. We go back to Hagakure and she has found five different things. 'Sero wants to wear that jacket and I think it would be too much black if he wears a black hoodie then.' 'Oh okay.' 'Nah wait! Can I at least try it on?'

'Sure. Here.' We give him the clothes and he goes into a changing room. A minute later he comes out with normal jeans, a blue shirt and his jacket. 'This looks weird right?' 'Yep.' 'Yep.' He sighs and goes inside again. 'Hey the jeans aren't that bad Mina!' 'Which ones?' 'The ripped ones.'

'Show us!' He comes out and he was right. 'Okay leave the pants. But try the white turtleneck I found!' 'Okay.' He goes inside again. 'White turtleneck?' 'Yep! I thought he could wear it. Not everyone can. But I bet he can- and I am right! You look good Sero!' 'Damn you look even better than good!'

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