31 hero license test

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word count: 3889

edited: -

a/n: the teachers also have their own dorm in this story. Just like the students they are all in one dorm. EraserHead and PresentMic are the only ones that share a room.

POV Aizawa

'Shota. Shota are you listening?' 'Huh? No I wasn't. What were you saying 'Zashi?' 'You are taking your class to the hero license test tomorrow.' 'Mhm.' 'MsJoke and her class will also be there.' 'Urgh. Seriously?' 'Yep. Don't be too mean to her.' 'You know she wants to marry me?' 'I know. But I also know that you will refuse her.' 'Obviously.'

He smiles and gives me a kiss. 'I could just tell her off easier if we were engaged...' 'What?' 'Nothing.' I go to the kitchen to make something to eat for us. 'Shota you know I asked you countless times already.' 'Shut up.' 'Shota!' I turn around to him, annoyed.

'Why aren't you just saying yes?' 'I-' Well why? I don't even know why I refused everytime... 'You- you didn't do it right. And you had no ring.' 'What? Seriously? You aren't like that normaly!' 'Shut up!' He sighs and leaves the kitchen. 'Zashi come back!' 'Is the food ready?' 'What? No!' 'Call me when it's ready.' ''Zashi come on!' He doesn't answer... I sigh and go to him, in our bedroom and go to my dresser getting a small box.

He is facing with his back to me. Pulling off his hero costume and letting his hair fall. 'Hizashi.' 'Let me change Shota.' He lays his outfit on our bed. He still has his pants on but now he is pulling off his shirt. Idiot. I get down on one knee behind him. 'Hizashi.' 'Shota just leave it be. If you don't want to marry me it's okay. Just don't leave me.'

'Hizashi turn around.' He sighs and turns around. He gasps and blushes. 'What?!' 'Yamada Hizashi do you want to marry me and spend the rest of our lives together?' He holds one hand over his mouth and starts to cry. 'Don't cry now! God you are really a handful sometimes... Do you want to marry me or not?' He pulls me up into his arms. 'You know my answer Shota.'

'I still want to hear it.' 'Yes I want to marry you Shota.' I smile and kiss him. 'Give me your hand.' I put the ring on his hand and he kisses me again. ''Zashi!' 'Didn't you say no proposals in the bedroom?' 'Shut up.' 'Never.' He makes us fall on the bed together. 'I love you. But were you refusing me because you wanted to ask?' 'Maybe?'

He laughs and I flip us over, sitting on his exposed abs. I lean down to kiss him. 'What about food?' 'You made us fall on the bed.' 'Well- I uh. Fine. Maybe I was hoping for some action. It's been a while after all.' I smirk and kiss along his exposed collarbone. 'Shota- We don't have much time until Nemuri comes.' 'I bet she wouldn't mind. And if you don't want her to hear us then just stay quiet Hizashi.'

He holds a hand over his mouth while I continue to tease him. 'Shota she'll be here soon...' 'And?' He blushes and looks to the side. 'You are still fully clothed...' 'Oh? That is your problem? Fine. I can undress for you.' I stand up and lay the binding cloth on the side, opening the zipper of my costume.

'Shota wait.' 'Don't tell me to stop now.' 'No that's not it. Can I?' I raise an eyebrow and he sits up. 'Don't blame me tomorrow.' 'I won't. I love you Shota.' I kiss him while he helps me out of my costume. We part so he can pull my shirt off. 'And I really thought you don't want to marry me, you refused me everytime.' 'Idiot. Of course I want to marry you. I decided that I will spend the rest of my life with you when we were on our first date.'

the next day

'Zashi wake up.' 'Why are you always so- you know the next morning after we did it?' 'Dunno. Come on stand up.' I bend down to kiss him but he hides under the blanket. 'Seriously?' 'I am tireed!' 'Shota stand up already!' I look to the door that just gets swung open. 'Nemuri I am not the one hiding in bed.'

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