16 training camp?! 2

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word count: 1435

edited: 24.03.2021

CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS!! FOR THE TRAINING CAMP ARC, VANGUARD ACTION SQUAD INVASION AND THE HIDEOUT RAID!!! I tried to write it with as few spoilers as possible, BUT IF YOU HAVEN'T READ OR WATCHED THESE ARCS YET DON'T BLAME ME!! It also contains a little spoiler of Dabis identity (I'm not saying who he is but Y/N knows him( it isn't a real spoiler when I think about it but before someone complains I better include it in the warning))


Aizawa sensei just told us that we won't participate in the test of courage because of our extra lessons. He binds the others in his scarf thing (I still don't know how he controls that thing and Hitoshi doesn't want to tell me either), only Hitoshi and I are walking beside him. We just accepted this cruel fate. While we walk to the room the others constantly complain. Oh here we are. Is there already someone there? 'HAAH THE SUPPOSEDLY BETTER CLASS A HAS 7 STUDENTS FAILING WHILE CLASS B ONLY HAS ONE?? HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL HAHAHAHA!!'

Is this Monoma? The one who is always harrassing our class? I will stop that now. 'You know Hitoshi and I here didn't fail. We are taking these lessons of our own free will. But you... Haha I don't want to imagine how dumb you must be to talk shit like that about my friends, even though you failed the test yourself!' Before he could counter-argue we hear Mandalays voice. It's her telepathy quirk.

She say that villains infiltrated the camp, everyone should go back to the facility and the students should focus on retreat. As soon as she finishes, Aizawa storms out and tells VladKing sensei to look after us because he has to protect the others. Just seconds after he rushed out we hear him yell for VladKing and an explosion... it kind of sounds like flames.

We want to rush outside but sensei tells us that Eraserhead is a prohero and we shouldn't worry. After worrying for a bit Mandalay starts her telepathy again and tells everyone that we are allowed to fight back, permission by Eraserhead. Right after that she says 'The villains are after Kacchan. Whoever that is don't fight alone and go back to the facility!' 'KATSUKI!? WHY DO THEY WANT HIM?!'

I am panicking and Eijiro tries to calm me down, but I know that he is worrying as well. 'Sensei we have to help them! They are after our friend! Aizawa sensei told us to fight!' VladKing sensei stays calm and explains 'It was meant in self defense so they can get back here. The more are out of the danger zone the better. I won't let you get hurt.'

Something is outside the door and VladKing jumps to protect us. 'It is the villain that Aizawa fought earlier!' VladKing is so quick to react and pins the villain to the wall. The man has black hair and scars, he kinda looks like somebody I know, but who... He starts talking and I recognize the voice! I trained with him! -

POV nobody

Dabi recognizes Y/N while talking and is a bit shocked, but he doesn't show it. Aizawa breaks into the room and says it's no use talking with that guy, it's just a fake. He says he will go back to the front line and VladKing should look after the ones that are with him. The students want to help but Aizawa doesn't allow it and rushes off again. 'Y/N?!'

Kirishima rushes to her the moment he realized she wasn't by his side anymore. She is just collapsing and he catches her. 'Y/N what's wrong?! Talk to me!' The others surround them and VladKing checks her pulse. 'She is just unconsious. Nothing serious, but one more reason to stay here! We will stay here and protect ourselves and Y/N!'

le timeskip to the hospital the next day


'I -ow my head...' I look around and see Izuku laying on another bed in the room 'Y/N are you awake? What happened to you? The others just said that you collapsed and wouldn't wake up again.' 'I- I don't know myself. I kind of recognized the villain with the scars. I know him from somewhere in my training, but I can't remember anything about him or what he looked like before he got these scars. I heard his voice and then everything went black. I think there was one guy that trained with me I am not allowed to remember. I know that another person with a hush quirk said that I won't remember anything about this person, only the results of the training. I said it's okay and didn't think about it... WAIT WHAT HAPPENED?'

'Y/N calm down please. Kacchan was kidnapped by the villains.' 'What?' I try to stand up but Eijiro comes into our room and hugs me. 'Y/N you are awake! I was so worried!' 'I am fine Eijiro. But Katsuki... Izu told me they kidnapped him.' 'Yes... Me and some others plan on rescuing him. Momo pinned a tracking device on one of the villains and we will go there and get Katsuki back!'

'I will go with you!' Izuku interrupts me 'Y/N you said you collapsed because of this hush quirk that is about the villain with the scars right? It isn't safe for you to go. What if you collapse again? We will not only have to rescue Kacchan but also you.' 'Y/N? A hush quirk? That is why you collapsed?' 'Izu is right... Eijiro! Bring our boyfriend back!' He hugs me again and promises it. He says I should sleep a bit and stays until I fall asleep again.

le timeskip (it's a chat)

Sharky <3

We will go now. Don't worry we will get him back!

Please don't hurt yourselves!

We won't fight. We try to rescue him without attacking the villains

Love you

le timeskip to AllMight on TV

Hopefully they aren't getting hurt... What is this? I turn the volume of the TV up and they are talking about AllMight fighting. Does that mean they rescued Katsuki? Hopefully, but I still have to wait for a message from Eijiro or the others to be sure. Oh no! His true form! (a/n: Y/N knows very much about the heroes, so she also knows about AllMights quirk and Deku and that stuff, but she didn't tell anyone, she ain't a snitch).

Now the whole world knows about AllMights secret! That isn't good but I don't know if it's bad either. At least he doesn't have to hide it anymore. Please win this Allmight! I watch the rest of the fight and 'YEEESSS!' He hits the villain with a powerful hit and then there is his signature pose! But what- he is pointing towards the camera? Is that a signal for someone? Izu maybe?

Later that evening I got a call from Eijiro, he said that Katsuki isn't seriously injured and is going with the police. My dad sent me a message that everyone from UA will go home for a few days, before going to the dorms. That means I will be home with him and I am sure he has many questions...

le timeskip to Y/Ns home (sorry for so many timeskips... I want to resume writing funny things so I try to shorten this stuff)

My dad has so many questions... He tells me that the teachers are going around and trying to convince the parents of the students that it is the best if everyone lives in the dorms by the school and isn't home. Security reasons. They only texted him and he told me that he also thinks it's the best.

After this serious stuff we talk about how it is in Class 1A and I tell him that they are great friends and that I have two boyfriends who love me. He isn't very happy about hearing that I have boyfriends and that I share a room with them. I guess even though he adopted me he has some fatherly feelings hahah.

I assure him that it is alright and that they respect my personal space and also that they would never do something I won't like. He still thinks it's not a good idea but that aside he is happy that I am happy. I ask him if he knows who I trained with when I was smaller, but he doesn't know it. He says that there were many and the facility where he let me train didn't tell him who was there. Safety reasons...

When he asks why I wanted to know that I say that I am just curious and that it's nothing.... The rest of the time before I can go back to school we play games and also train a little, bacause I wanted to show him how much I improved my quirk and everything. He had the whole time off so we really had a lot of time, but I have to go again soon.

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