7 Shinsou wakes up

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word count: 1384

edited: 23.03.2021

The next morning

POV Hitoshi

Urgh I have a headache... What happened? The last thing I remember was dancing with the others and drinking something. Oh no was that alcohol? That and the music would explain my headache. Hopefully I didn't do something dumb... I should sit up slowly. Urgh my heaaadd! Huh? Is Shoto gone already? Oh he left a note on the door.

>Good morning Hitoshi. I hope you slept well. I'm training with Midoriya, so don't worry about where I am.< Oh okay good. But that doesn't mean that I didn't do some dumb shit. I have to talk to Y/N about yesterday. Where is my black hoodie? Ah there are the sunglasses I got from mic-dad. I hope these two can do something about the adoption, it's taking way too long.

I put on my hoodie and my sunglasses and walk to Y/Ns room. *knockknock* 'WHO THE FUCK IS KNOCKING ON OUR DAMN DOOR?! Oh it's you. What do you want?' Bakugou looks as if he just fell out of his bed. At least I hope it was his own bed. 'Shinsou is here? Let him in Baku! Y/N is showering right now but she should be finished soon.' Bakugou lets me inside the room and I thank them. 'Thank you Kirishima. Are you always so energetic in the morning?'

'Yes. Yes he is. I can't understand either. What do you want with Y/N?' 'I just want to talk to her if she knows if I did something dumb yesterday' Kiri answers me while changing his shirt 'Oh you mean if you did something to Shoto? Not as far as I know but I saw you two dancing' I get bright red and lost my cool 'I DID WHAT?! AND HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT EXACTLY I WANTED TO KNOW?!'

'Goddammit Shinsou shut the fuck up you are so loud. Since when can you yell like that? And besides that it is pretty obvious that you like icyhot.' Bakugou said that with a straight face and I just staring at him until-


I hear yelling... ugh Bakugou senpai why. Ok I have a knee-long hoodie on so I guess I can head out and let my hair dry. I open the door and see Hitoshi staring at Bakugou. 'Hey Hitoshi!... Why are you staring at my boyfriend like that?' Kiri explains 'Well he came to talk to you about yesterday and Bakugou stated the fact that it's obvious that Shinsou likes - WHA WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!'

Oh so they also know it? And here comes Bakugou.. 'Y/N CHAN YOU CAN'T WALK AROUND LIKE THAT!! THERE IS SOMEBODY HERE' I giggle and say 'Haahahah Baku don't worry. I go shopping with Hitoshi so he has seen way more than this.' Bakugou just stares at me blankly and Kirishima is also speechless.Hitoshi adds 'Besides that I'm gay'.

That was the rest for these two lol they aren't even blinking anymore. 'Hitoshi look what you've done! Maybe we should all sit down now and talk.' We sit down in the middle of the room and before I can say anything Bakugou starts.

POV nobody

'So... Shinsou. How much have you seen of her?' 'We were shopping bikinis for her once so pretty much I guess' Y/N adds 'Hitoshi, maybe I should talk. That would make this easier and faster. I am hungry.' Kirishima stands up and brings her a cookie 'I know this isn't enough when someones hungry but that's the only thing we have at the moment.' 'Aaw thank you. But back to what we were talking about. You two don't have to be jealous of Hitoshi. After all that happened in my life he was the first one my age who would be there for me. He was the first one in UA who was nice to me. Everybody ignored me or said that I was an evil person because I wouldn't tell them my last name. But I couldn't tell them even if I wanted to. It was for safety reasons.'

'Now that I think about it we all just know your first name Y/N chan. Could you tell you what these safety reasons are?' 'Uhm..' 'Well Bakugou you see, if anyone would know her name she could be in danger. Just the teachers and I know about it. And I just know it because I heard her crying one day and asked what's wrong and she at first didn't tell me but after some time I heard the teachers talking and found out. It's better if she tells you personally when she is ready.' 'Thank you Hitoshi but I think they should at least know why there are safety reasons.'

Y/N hesitates to continue and Bakugou tries to comfort her and holds her hand 'Y/N chan you don't need to tell us if it's hard or if you just can't' 'Thank you honey but you should know. When I was very young my parents died and I had no place to go. I was three years old when my dad rescued me from some villains. A few years later he adopted me and I became the daughter of a pro hero. He made it, that nobody knew that he adopted me so I could live a relatively normal life. He is also the reason why I wanted to get into the hero course. And he trained me so I can defend myself and I would say I'm pretty good hahah'

'Pretty good? Y/N are you kidding? You are amazing at defending yourself. Even without your quirk you are scary! Remember when you knocked me out with one hit?' 'Oh yeah sorry about that Hitoshi' Bakugou is amazed - 'WOW you are the daughter of a pro hero? That's cool but why is it bad when someone knows your name? I mean we all know that half 'n' half bastard is Endeavors son.'

Kirishima is a bit scared of Y/N now but talks anyway. 'Baku it's because nobody knows that this pro hero has a daughter! And Y/N how good are you really with self defense? I can't believe that you could knock someone out with one punch' 'Oh? Do you wanna find out?' Y/N says that with a wicked grin and the three boys jump out of fear and back away while she was still sitting on the floor.

'Kirishima.. I wouldn't anger her if I were you. She can be really scary and brutal.' You can see the fear in Bakugous eyes but there was also something else, something that wants to challenge her 'I didn't expect that from Y/N chan... I think we should train together later.' 'I don't want to hurt you guys..' 'HAH You think you can seriously hurt me? Let's test this out!'

POV Hitoshi

Bakugou goes to the door ready for combat. Wait isn't Shoto in the training hall right now? Oh no I don't want them to leave me and I don't want to go to him.. 'Bakugou wait! Shoto is in the training hall right now!' 'Perfect. Then you can confess to him. What's the problem then?' 'He is training with Midoriya.' Oh thank god this works everytime. 'HUUUUUUH Shitty Deku is there? Y/N we will test this tomorrow.'

'Hahah okay if you really want to get your ass kicked, but you know I could just knock you out here.' She has this creepy smile again oh no Bakugou goes to her. 'Come at me Y/N chan!' She stands up and goes into a combat stance. 'Don't blame me Bakugou senpai. You asked for it. Kiri could you back away please?' Kirishima comes to me and watches a bit nervous 'Psst Shinsou, is she really so strong?' 'Just watch Kirishima.'

Bakugou wents to attack Y/N and she dodges and knocks him out with a precise strike on his neck. 'HOLY SHIT Y/N IS HE OKAY?!?!' 'Uh I guess. He will wake up in about 30minutes or so probably.. Better bring him to his bed and wait for him to wake up. I'll go to the bakery with Hitoshi. We'll be back soon' Kirishima picks Bakugou carefully up and puts him into a bed.

'To the bakery huh?' 'Yep. I am still hungry and you could also eat something.'

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