5 what did they plan?

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word count: 1151

edited: 23.03.2021

The picture may not seem like it but the story is still SFW (safe for work/ no lemon/smut or something like that) Have fun!

Bakugou blindfolds Y/N and picks her up bridal style so she won't know where they take her.


'KYAAAH what are you doing?!' He picks me up so suddenly, scaring me lowkey. 'I'm carrying you. What scared you? I literally did the same to get you out of your bed a few hours ago' I could literally sense his smirk. 'That wasn't the same! I saw what you wanted to do and let it happen! You surprised me that's all.' 'Should I let you down and carry you piggyback then?' 'NOO! ahem.. I mean no it's okay like this.'

I smile and hug him, so that I am even closer to him. Oh my gosh he is so warm! Is that because of his quirk? He is definetly warmer than normal body temperature. Or am I imagining things? No. He is definetly warmer than Kiri. 'Uh Y/N chan can you let go a bit? It's kinda difficult to walk with you clinging to me like that.' I didn't realize that I was hugging him so tight and let go, but still hugging him.

'Sorry honey. Huh is Kiri gone? I can't hear his footsteps anymore.' 'Am I not enough for you?' 'Bakugou senpai you know that's not what I mean!' He stops walking. 'How can I be so sure about that? All I know is that he was your boyfriend for a few months and now that I am also your boyfriend and he is gone for what? Like 2minutes and you ask where he is?'

'Honey. Stay calm. You know I love you as much as I love Kirishima. I love how strong you are and you are clever and I think it's funny how fast you can get angry. And I love how you behave when you are with me. You are so calm and gentle and I am happy whenever you smile, even when it's that shit eating smirk of yours. I love you. And you smile quite often when you are around Kiri and me. When I think about it you were always kind of happy when we were around even before Kiri and I started dating. You were always nice to me... Bakugou senpai since when d-'

Bakugou leans down and kisses me to shut me up and it works. He is definately getting better but I won't say that or his ego might explode. 'Kiri needs to get something. But he will come back soon. And now shut up' I could feel his face heating up and smile to myself, he starts walking again.

Timeskip to where Kiri ran off

POV Kirishima

Why doesn't Shoto have something he can use as a blindfold? Now I need to lend him one of my bandanas... There is his room. *knockknock* 'Wait a second Hitoshi. ... Hello Kirishima. Thank you for the bandana.' 'No problem bro' 'Hitoshi come here I am gonna blindfold you.' 'YOU GONNA DO WHAT NOW?!'

I can see Shinsou blushing very hard. Wait does he like Shoto? They would make a cute couple. 'Erm sorry. I think I have to rephrase that. I need to blindfold you so I don't ruin the surprise.' 'Oh o- okay I guess...' I'm getting second-hand embarassement.. gonna go to my roommates. I'm still happy that I can share a room with my now boyfriend and also with my girlfriend. It was so awkward sharing a room with Bakugou while having a crush on him.


I walk towards Hitoshi so that I can blindfold him. Ok Shoto careful with his beautiful smooth purple hair... ok done. I spin him around to face me but that was too fast and luckily I caught him. 'Sorry Hitoshi that was too fast!' 'Uhm it- it's okay. At least you didn't let me fall down.' He is so handsome up close and his lips are just a few centimeters away from mine... NO I don't want to mess this up! I gotta react cool! 'I would never do that' OH YEES it worked!

He tries to calm himself down and I wait a moment 'Hitoshi are you okay? I need to hold your hand so you know the way.' 'O- okay..' I GET TO HOLD HANDS WITH HIM YES. Hitoshi holds out his hands and I grab one with my warm hand. 'Uh Shoto? You are using your hot side? I thought you hate it?' Well yes he is right about that but 'I don't want you to get cold. So I will use this side of me even if I still don't like it.'

Hitoshi blushes again and Mina bursts into the room calling me a 'Smooth bitch' , well I can't argue with that. I'm doing my best. 'I came to get you guys but I guess you just wanted to go' and with that she storms off. I hold his hand tightly, and Hitoshi squeezes back! Please don't let this be a dream!


'Kiri is back' 'Hey sweetheart' he says and I smile 'Hey Kiri'   Y/N and me said that at the same time, she get embarressed and tries to hide her face in my chest. Kirishima giggles and comes closer 'Hehe you two are so cute' he slowly leans in and kisses me. 'Can I carry her for the rest of the way?' 'Y/N you wanna be carried by him or by me? Huh? Why is your face red?' 'I- I uh can Kiri carry me? You need to do something about your body temperature.'

'HUUUUH what do you mean by that?' What the hell does that mean? Nevertheless I let her down to her own feet. 'I don't know! You are definetly warmer than normal person should be! Kiri pick me up.' 'Uh okay?' 'Yep Bakugou senpai is warmer.' 'What the-' 'I guess it's because of your quirk Baku. Because of the explosions and stuff.'

'That actually makes sense. Since when are you the clever one here Sharky?' 'Sh- sha-Sharky?' Heh he is as red as his hair because of the petname. I think I will use that one from now on then 'Yep. Sharky. Don't ask. But I think Y/N understands' 'Y/N? Why Sharky?' 'I think sharks are manly and cool.' 'Oh thank you Baku!' 'Heh' if he knew that I have a biting kink... Y/N probably has one too.

POV nobody

After multiple times going through the dorm, so Y/N will definetly not know where they are, Kirishima and Bakugou stop. Shoto and Hitoshi also arrive and Hitoshi asks 'Are we there yet?' Y/N recognizes her best friends voice. 'Hitoshi? What are you doing here? Wait guys don't tell me you-' While Y/N is talking the three boys nod at each other and take the blindfolds off of their roommates. Hitoshi and Y/N are blinded by the bright light and just a second after the blindfolds are off-

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