15 training camp?! 1

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word count: 1583

edited: 24.03.2021

There are some spoilers to the original story in this chapter! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ CHAPTER 70+ OR WATCHED EPISODES 40+ ONLY READ UNTIL THE SPOILER WARNING! I HAVE WARNED YOU!!


*Knockknockknock* 'Anyone awake?! I'M COMING IN! PLEASE DON'T BE NAKED!' She slams the door open and I sit up in my bed. 'Mina? What are you doing here so early?' 'Early?! YOU HAVE TO HURRY OR ELSE WE WILL LEAVE YOU HERE' Leave us here? Oooooh shit today begins the trip! 'Come on Y/N you have to wake Bakugou up! I tried one time and that wasn't very- wait OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO CUUTE' (a/n: look at the picture above)

I look in their direction and smile. 'Mina can you help me for a bit? Can you choose an outfit for me while I wake them up?' 'Sure thing girl! Sexy or cute?' She smirks and I stand up and stretch. 'Mina. It's a fucking trip with the class what do you think?' 'Sexy it is then.' 'MINA' She laughs and rummages through my closet 'Just kidding calm down.' 'I AM calm.'

'WOW you and Baku are the perfect couple. So aggressive. Hahah. Good thing you have Kiri, without this innocent baby it would be pure chaos!' Innocent hm? She hasn't seen the bitemark yet. I lean down to Eijiro and see that he is already awake.

'You are awake? Since when?' 'I don't know. Didn't want to wake him up. He is so peaceful...' I look at how Katsuki is hugging our boyfriend and smile. 'Such a cute Wolfy.' Katsuki moves closer to Eijiro and smiles a bit. 'Can you wake him up? I'll go and change. Mina come with me.' 'Y/N can I borrow this shirt? It's so cute.' 'Sure. Come we can change in the bathroom.'

Mina grabs the shirt and an outfit for me and we go into the bathroom. 'WOOAAH' I smile at her and nod. 'Did you try out this bath yet?' 'Yesterday.' She looks at me, still amazed and then 'Y/N is that a hickey? OH MY GOSH YOU ALSO HAVE A BITE MARK?!' I blush and nod 'Can you help me cover this up?' She smirks evily but nods anyway.

We change and luckily the shirt she chose for me covers the hickey but only half of the bitemark. 'Y/N I don't know how to cover up a bitemark... Maybe with some bandages and you just say that it happened while training? I'll put some extra makeup and bandages into your bag okay?' 'Good idea. Thank you Mina!' I hug her and she wants to open the door but I can stop her before she does. 'Wait. I'll look first if you can go outside.' She nods and I open the door a bit to see Katsuki stretching and Kiri changing his shirt. 'Hey can we switch places? Mina is also here.'

Katsuki looks at me and smirks when he sees the marks they left on me. He comes closer and kisses me 'Morning darling~' 'Morning Wolfy. Mina you can come out now!' I open the door for her and she says 'I'm bisexual.' I smirk and whisper to her 'Good to know. But I meant you can come out of the bathroom now.'

She blushes and goes to my bed to pack the bandages into my bag. Katsuki goes into the bathroom and Eijiro follows but stops next to me. 'What did you say? I have never seen her so quiet.' 'Hehe it's a secret. Go and change Sharky~' He leans down and kisses me. Then he leans a bit more down and licks over the bitemark. I blush and push a laughing Eijiro into the bathroom and slam the door shut.

Mina shrieks. 'WHAT THE HELL don't do that again- wait. Why are you red?' 'I uhm nothing. I don't want to ruin your image of them.' She looks at me confused and shrugs. 'I know Kiri longer than you. I don't know if something can surprise me.' 'You looked pretty surprised to me when you saw the bitemark!' 'Well uh okay true. But what did he do to you just now?' 'He licked over the bitemark...' 'This kinky bitch.'

We both laugh at her comment. She bandages my neck a little, so nobody can see the bitemark. 'Thanks you are the best!' I hug her close and the boys come into our room again. 'Huh? What happened to your neck Y/N chan?' I look at Katsuki and say 'Our boyfriend happened. Dumbass.' Eijiro smirks and grabs his and Katsukis bag. 'You two ready?'

'HEY SHARKY why are you carrying my bag? Tsk whatever.' He grabs my bag and goes to the door. 'Katsuki wait! I forgot my toothbrush!' 'Figured you'd forget. I put it in my bag. Come on hurry up now Y/N chan, Sharky.' I look at Eijiro and he follows Katsuki. Mina grabs my hand and we go to the others.

'You are late! Get in the bus now!' Mina sits next to Hagakure, Eijiro next to Denki because Denki asked him a few days ago. The only two seats left are next to Shoto and Hitoshi in the last row, Katsuki sighs as he sees it but drags me with him anyway. He lets me sit between Hitoshi and himself, which means he sits by the window.

I talk a bit with Shoto and Hitoshi, after four minutes Aizawa came and said that the drive would start now. 1B is in the other bus and they already left. The drive starts and I lean on Katsukis shoulder, he looks down and smiles. After kissing my head, he looks outside again.

POV Katsuki

After some time staring outside the window I look back at my girlfriend, still leaning on my shoulder. 'Hey Y/N chan-' 'She fell asleep a few minutes ago. Why is she so tired?' Shinsou asks me and I just say 'Because she didn't sleep very much I guess. And I also didn't so I will do that now.' That half-half bastard raises an eyebrow and says in a mocking tone 'Aha. Why didn't you two sleep last night?'

'None of your damn business Icyhot!' 'Shoto leave him alone. When you two bicker now Y/N could wake up.' He nods and talks with his boyfriend instead of provoking me further. I look down at her again and smile. I lean my head on hers and after just a few minutes I fall asleep.

le timeskip to the camp & SPOILER WARNING !!! I HAVE WARNED YOU TWO TIMES!! IF YOU WANT TO SPOILER YOURSELF DON'T BLAME ME!!! I have it a bit shortened so it won't be a spoiler to everything but still a spoiler!


It's the end of the first day of you training camp and it was exhausting. They wanted us to fight our way to the camp... I am really happy that the others helped me. I may be good in combat and with my quirk but that wasn't ideal for me. We needed 8 hours to get here. The others bathed but I didn't. I just showered, covered the marks up again and now I'll go to sleep. Mina said she tells the others that I am tired, well atleast it's not a lie. Tomorrow the real training will begin...

le next day

Shota, eh Aizawa sensei wanted to meet us all and asked Katsuki to throw a ball like he did on the first quirk test in school. It was amazing how far he threw the ball, but Aizawa sensei said it got only a little bit better. We had trained many things at UA but we didn't train our quirks enough. I was told to hold my barrier longer than I can and I should work on my range.

Before, I could hold the soundproof one 30minutes and the hard one 20 minutes. Now I should try to hold the strong one longer and I should try to make the surface bigger. Eijiro and Ojiro are working together, Eijiro hardens and Ojiro attacks him. These two were told that they should come and attack my barrier from time to time, so that it can withstand more strong attacks. I need to hold the barrier for even longer! I can do this! I need to be able to use my quirk for a longer amount of time without getting exhausted!

le timeskip again because nobody wants to read how she trains her barriers.

the third day of training camp...

I wasn't with the others yesterday evening, when they made curry because I collapsed after training and needed sleep. But because of these stupid extra lessons Hitoshi and I agreed on I had to get up in the middle of the night again... The lesson was basically Shota telling us how we can improve our quirks and how to use them better in battles and stuff.  After that we got like 3 hours of sleep and had to train again. In the evening we made ourselves some food again...

Ochaco is shocked by how good Katsuki is with the knife and to be honest, it is quite shocking. 'Katsuki, I did expect you to be able to cook but I would have never guessed that you are so amazing at it!' 'HAH You bet!' Eijiro is even more tired than I am after the long day and asks why everyone is so energetic. After eating and cleaning up we are all looking forward to the test of courage. The game between class A and B. Sad thing is that we, who need the extra lessons, aren't allowed to participate.

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