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"Stop!" the elder Guardian yelled over the madness, but no one listened.

Keith took off his leather jacket and slammed it on the floor as the anger flew through his body. Robert dusted himself off and began storming towards Keith. Keith stood there as he watched Robert get closer and closer towards him.

Nico, Mikey, Speedo, and Blue all stood there watching everything unfold. None of them tried to stop it, but at the same time they were also mesmerized by the strength of both Robert and Keith.

Robert tackled Keith to the ground. Keith and Robert began tussling with each other, rolling around on the floor roughly before Keith threw Robert into the ceiling.

"They're destroying our library," One of the Guardians said to the elder.

"Yes, I see," she replied.

"Nico!" Alva shouted from up above.

"Are you just gonna let them tear each other apart? These are your people after all."

"But look at how strong they both are, without even turning into their supernatural selves," Speedo interrupted.

"I know," Mikey replied. "It's amazing."

"It's dangerous is what it is," Blue chimed in.

Robert suddenly fell from the ceiling and landed on his two feet. Keith began ripping his shirt off, exposing his bare skin, making all the ladies in the room blush except for me and the elder Guardian.

Robert began breathing heavily as his eyes turned red around the pupil. He began puffing up his chest and sweating like he was in a sauna.

"What's happening?" I asked as I rushed over to the Guardians.

"His GAD has officially broken," the elder guardian said. "He's transforming into his supernatural self."

"I didn't know that Robert was also on GAD," I replied. "That means that he also had to be under Sebastian's control at some point. Not unless that was all just a part of their plan of taking him down."

Keith held a worried look on his face as Robert smiled at him evilly. I began hearing Keith's voice in my head again. It was way louder this time, more clear. "What is he doing?" Keith asked.

"Is he?"

Robert held up his index finger as it suddenly turned bright red. Fire then quickly appeared on his index finger and it spread through his whole hand. Robert twisted his hand and made a fireball appear in his palms. He chucked his hand back before tossing it forward, throwing the fireball at Keith.

The elder guardian held her hands in the air slowly from the balcony above everyone else, "Stop!" she shouted once more, making everything indeed finally stop.

A powerful magical source came flying from her hands towards everyone down below. The fireball was floating in mid air as everyone on the floor level below us suddenly froze.

"Did you... Did you just stop time?" I stuttered.

"No," she replied.

"I just stopped them from destroying my library. Time is still moving as it was before, just a tad bit slower around them."

I began walking back down on the lower level to observe everyone being frozen in mid air. Their eyes were still moving around like they could see me, but every other body part was still. It looked like they were either dead or sleeping with their eyes open.

"It's one of the most powerful powers to have as a guardian," Alva explained.

The elder guardian moved her hands in an upward downward motion, releasing everyone from their frozen stage.

Robert put his fire power away and Keith put his clothes back on as they both walked away from each other to cool off.

"Now," she said calmly as she made her way downstairs with the other guardians surrounding her. "If you two are gonna kill each other, then do it without tearing down my library."

She then walked towards a ginormous bookcase where Alva stood and she began pressing books in like they were buttons. The bookcase unlocked and led to an underground cellar.

"Are you coming or what?" The elder guardian asked as she and the others began walking towards the cellar.

Once we all got downstairs, the lights flickered on, exposing a huge underground training camp. There were boxing rings spread out across the cellar, along with punching bags, shooting ranges, and a bunch of other training objects. The lights hung from the ceiling as dust circulated around them when they swung. You could tell that no one has been down in this cellar for years.

"Welcome to paradise," Nico said as he dragged Robert over to the corner of the cellar to fix his beat up face.

"Thank you Elder Guardian," Speedo yelled out loud as he and everyone else began clapping their hands.

At first, I didn't understand why everyone was cheering, and then I realized something. These students haven't been able to properly use their powers how they wanted without Sebastian controlling their every move. This was a breakthrough moment for them.

"Everyone welcome to your official first training class," Speedo continued.

"As you may know, obviously the GAD is and if it hasn't yet then it will be out of your system soon. That means that you all will be able to use your power freely without being controlled."

The students cheered even louder as they swarmed around Speedo. "Alright alright, calm down." Speedo shouted over them.

"I need you all to regroup with all of your partners and your leaders. Training will start right here, right now. Half of you will stay here and the other half will go back to your dorms and rest. We'll train one group right now while the other sleeps and vise versa."

All of the students began quickly running around like crazy trying to find their original D.O.S partners.

Me, Briggs, Tim, Avery, and Keith stood around awkwardly trying not to make eye contact with each other as we watched everyone else gather up. I walked over to Keith and ripped a piece of cloth from his ripped shirt.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Helping you," I replied.

I placed the cloth on his face to stop the bleeding. He snatched the cloth quickly from my hand and stood up off of the ground.

"I don't need any help! Especially from you..." He said before storming off into another corner.

Nico began instantly placing the students in the rings and getting them started with their training. Blue and other guardians began coaching several other students on how to use their powers on targets at the range while we still sat there feeling awkward.

Speedo slowly eased his way over to us as he cleared his throat. "What are you all standing around for?"

"We're waiting..." Tim yelled.

"Waiting for what?" Mike asked as he joined us. "Jesus to come back?"

"Wait," Avery began. "You want us to actually participate in this?"

"Um yeah," Mike responded.

"Tim, Avery, and Briggs all began laughing hysterically at Mikey and Speedo.

"As long as you all are under our protection then you will have rules just as you did at the facility," Speedo explained. "We protect you and you listen to what we say."

"Since when were we under your protection?" Keith asked as he held the cloth over his face wound.

"Yeah, I thought the only person that needed protection was Amilia?" Avery asked.

"Wait," Mike said. "Pete didn't tell you guys?"

The sudden sounds of footsteps approaching echoed from behind us. 

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