Chapter Two: Adrenaline [4]

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*bzzzzz* *bzzzz* "Ughhh," I screeched out as I reached to kill my alarm.

As I got out of bed, I stretched and looked around my grungy bedroom. My home wasn't even a home. It was the typical get it how you live it New York City apartment. When I got finished stretching, I walked into my disgusting bathroom that made me want to throw up every time I walked in there. Once I reached the sink in my bathroom, I looked up into the mirror at my face as I always do every morning I woke up just to make sure no signs of old age has reached my face yet. It was a strange habit of mine that I couldn't seem to shake.

When I looked into the mirror all I could see was one single brown smooth face. A brown face that contained black curly eyelashes to go along with my bouncy brown curly hair. As I turned my faucet on, I heard a very loud banging noise that sounded like wind pipes before the water came out.

"Ugh, I have got to call the landlord to fix this faucet again." I said to myself.

When the water started running it was dirty at first and then after a few seconds it eventually ran clear. The sound of the faucet got overturned by the sound of a close train passing by, rattling my whole apartment. I then tested the water as I normally do, to see if it's good to use on my face. I then used It to wash my face and brush my teeth for the day. 

*Ring* *Ring*

"Hello?" I said in a tiring voice.

"Hey Amilia girl!" said Chelsea.

"Oh, hey Chelsea. Did you get a new number?" I replied.

"Girl, this is just my new man Dino's phone number. You don't even have to save it in your phone." Chelsea bragged.

"So you finally ditched Trench huh?" I teased.

"Girl what do you mean finally? I been kicked that bum to the curb, the bills wasn't gonna pay themselves." she continued.

"And what about you huh? You ain't find you no rich and wealthy Muchacho man up at that new job of yours?"

"No! Chelsea, I didn't and you know what ... just because you prefer a rich and wealthy man with money doesn't mean I have to jump on your bandwagon." I explained.

"I know I know, It's what's in the heart that counts." Chelsea mocked.

"Yes Chelsea there you you're learning. But girl you know what? I had this crazy weird dream that I was on the beach and I met this guy and he was just perfect for me. I mean It was like so real. I don't know... maybe my fate has spoken." I said lovingly while biting my lip.

"Girl did you at least get you some in this dream? I mean it's been literal years Amilia like come on!" Chelsea yelled.

"No Chelsea!" 

"I mean listen girl, my new man Dino has been telling me how he might have a friend for you and-"

"Chelsea!" I interrupted.

"What?" Chelsea whispered.

"Have you been pulling the, my friend is single and she needs a man card?"

"No..." Chelsea said quietly.

"Chelseaaaa." I said in a firm tone.

"Okay fine, yes I have" she whispered.

"But that is only because I've been feeling bad lately." she continued.

"Feeling bad for who? Me?" I asked.


"Well because Amilia you don't go out anymore... and when you do go out, you're usually third wheeling while men are practically taking their clothes off for you at the door."

"OH please. Men are dogs. They act like that with every black Latina they see Chelsea and you know it."

"Anyways, thanks for thinking about me and all but I have to go. You know, to this thing called work where most of us women work really hard instead of mooching off of other men to pay our bills." 

"Ah ha, real cu" *bleep*

Before Chelsea could finish her sentence, I hung up the phone because I was so tired of hearing her annoying voice. Chelsea is my bestfriend, we've been friends forever but sometimes she just got on my very last nerve.

"I swear one day that girl is going to get both of us into some type of mess." I said to myself while putting on my clothes and shoes before sprinting out of the door.


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