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The roars got quieter and quieter as If the monster was dragging Keith elsewhere. It sounded like the monster was dragging Keith under the ground.

I grabbed the pistol Keith gave me and checked the chamber to make sure it was fully loaded and it was. I took a deep breath and thought about what my next move was going to be and I honestly had no clue. I was scared shitless and once again nothing was making sense. I looked over at some chains hanging off of the door and I broke them off and wrapped them around both door handles so that the monster won't be able to get in.

"Come on Amilia, think! Think!" I whispered to myself.

I quickly took the pistol and put it in the back of my pants & turned the flashlight back on and started looking at the map on the wall of the staircase. I saw little random red dots on each floor level of the map in different room spaces. The red dots were the only things on the map not labeled.

"That has got to stand for emergency rooms." I said.

I wanted to go back for Keith but at that very moment being brave wasn't the smartest thing to do. And besides , if Keith just shot whatever this thing was with a shotgun twice and it survived both times, then me and this little bitty pistol did not stand a chance.

So I tucked my pistol in , gripped my flashlight , snatched the map off of the wall and started heading to the upper level.

When I got to the top of the stairs and started opening the door it started to make a loud noise so I had to move as slowly as possible. I took a piece of metal and shoved it between the two doors so that it could leave enough room for me to squeeze through without slamming shut. When I got through the door I turned my flashlight off because I didn't want the beast to see me if it was up here.

I glanced at the map and it wasn't making any sense. I flipped the map upside down and turned it around and it still did not make sense. At this point I didn't know what level I was on. So I decided to head to the right, down the hall. I began seeing a red flashing light beaming from inside a room. I followed the light and it led to a room that seemed to have what looked like the same phone from downstairs. I quickly went in and shut the door. I shoved several desks and chairs in front of it. I ran too the phone and pressed any button I could and began asking for help.

"Help! Can anyone hear me ?" I whispered

"My name is Amilia Coveere and there's a wild beast... or something in fourth streets jailhouse!"

"Hello? Is anyone there ?"

I kept trying for about 10 more minutes but no one answered. Only thing I got back was complete silence.

"Hello? Amilia!"

"Keith?" I whispered.

"No.. it's Pete? Isn't my brother with you". He asked.

I then stopped talking. I didn't know what to say. How could I explain to this man that his brother just lost his life to save mine? How could that even be possible?

"Hello?" He said

"Yes ... I'm here."

"Amilia , where is Keith?"

"I have something to tell you Pete. I'm so sorry.. there was this thing , this monster and it was going to kill me but Keith .. Keith saved me.. and-"

"Fuck!" Pete yelled.

"I'm sorry I-"

"Listen Amilia everything's gonna be alright. You don't have to apologize. Where are you?"

I quickly picked up the map to try and read it again. "I don't know where I am really.. I'm lost, this place is bigger than I thought."

"Describe to me what you see around the room."

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