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"Nice dress" He chuckled.

"And It's officer Keith to you sweetheart." he replied.

"Are you following me?" I asked while looking up into the mirror looking for the man in the black hoodie who was now gone.

"Yes , Yes I am following you. That's exactly what I'm doing." He said with that smart ass grinny grin on his face his brother always has.

"You mind telling me why?" I said sarcastically.

"Well for one, I am a police officer so I can and will, get what I want... and do what I want." He responded, now staring deeply into my eyes.

"And what exactly is it that you want Officer Keith?" I asked while getting closer to him

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"And what exactly is it that you want Officer Keith?" I asked while getting closer to him.

Until this moment I never really noticed how cute officer Keith was. Despite him being an asshole 24/7. He was the complete opposite of his brother but he reminded me so much of him. Keith was like a more rough edge dangerous version of Pete and I was beginning to like it. From his thick Boston accent to his arm tattoos and his shortly cut hair. Something about him was turning me on and I was determined to find out what it was. Or was I just drunk?

"Something tells me that you already know." He said while grinning.

"So what? Both of the Jonas brothers like you now." Chelsea said drunkenly, ruining our conversation.

"Aye yo we got a problem over here?" D said while approaching Keith.

"No." I quickly responded.

"Mr. Keith was just leaving." I said while trying to get him out of his seat.

"Um no I wasn't." He responded while calmly drinking his beer.

"Oh what do you think this is a joke?" D asked Keith.

"Come on everybody let's calm down." I said while stepping in front of D.

"Yes everybody let's chill." Chelsea said while rubbing ice cubes on her chest and throwing them at the bartender.

"I'm very chill." Keith said calmly while still sipping his beer and not even making eye contact with me or D.

"D I said everything is fine. Chelsea get your man." I shouted.

"Come on baby let's go sit down." Chelsea said while grabbing D who was completely wasted.

"Get off of me." D yelled while slightly shoving Chelsea.

"You don't wanna do that." Keith said while still calmly sitting in his chair casually sipping his beer.

"Yeah babe come on let's go" Chelsea continued while trying to drag D away.

"Get off of me you drunk bitch!" D yelled while slapping Chelsea and pushing her to the ground.

"What the hell is your problem!" I yelled while shoving D and helping Chelsea up off of the ground.

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