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Your p.o.v

My eyes began to slowly open, feeling rather heavy in my efforts of trying. The darkness of my eyelids that shielded me soon was lifted and I was met with light, slightly groaning at it blinding me a bit. But this heavy feeling on my chest, my burning eyes, and my head spinning was intense. What happened yesterday? All I remember was screaming, crying and then just...passing out. What happened? I slowly sat up from my bed, feeling the rush of chills arise all over my body. A low chatter escaped my lips, rubbing my arms to give me warmth. I’m still cold...but why?

A person in the corner of my eye caught my attention, making me slowly turn my head to the right side of my bed. Dr. Shun sat in a chair, arms crossed and was fast asleep. My gaze on his sleeping form turned into a trance, examining his features once again. He looked...peaceful but seemed to be hiding terrible, vivid emotions. I wonder why I have that feeling, that idea that he’s been put through the worst of the worst? Slowly leaning over, I gently tapped on his knee, not wanting to scare him.

“Dr. Shun...Dr. Shun.” I repeated in a soft voice, seeing his eyes jolt up and his body. I flinched back from the sudden movement and felt my heart race a bit, feeling my breathing be a bit shaky. Shun looked around with wide eyes in some fear and landed his attention onto me, coming close to me.

“(Y/n), are you okay! Did you see anything?! Are you feeling alright?” He exclaimed, examining me up and down with worrisome eyes.

“Dr. Shun...what are you talking about?” I questioned with wide eyes. Dr. Shun backed up a bit, his hands beginning to shake.

“You...don’t remember?” He said with disbelief, raising his brows. I shook my head no and looked down at my wrists. The needles in my arm were gone but the area where they used to be were now bruised, purple and blue. I felt my heart go weak, not being able to stand at the sight.

“Last night you were screaming for your life, begging this heat to be turned down. There was nothing but you said you felt this burning sensation...and you could hear voices that weren’t your own...and hands that grabbed your shoulders. Do you not remember any of that?” Dr. Shun explained. I broke my gaze away from him and looked around my room, trying to recollect the memories of yesterday. We spoke about court day, the evidence, and...Eri. I creased over my neck and narrowed my brows a bit, gulping.

“There has been this feeling I’ve had for a while...this feeling of being so exhausted like I haven’t slept in weeks, no matter how much I cover up I’m so cold and,” I gripped the side of my neck lightly, “I feel this needle like sensation being pushed into my skin on my neck. I don’t know why but I have this feeling that...t-that he…” I began to stutter, having this sheet of anxiety suddenly take over me. Dr. Shun went quiet and sighed, running his hand through his black hair.

“I’ll be back (y/n). Your psychiatrist will see you in a minute so please tell her-”

“Wait, Shun!” I blurted, reaching my hand out. Dr. Shun stopped in his tracks and tilted his head, asking me what I needed. My expression softened and I felt my heart go weak.

“Please...let me see Eri. I just want her here. She needs me.” I requested in slight desperation in my voice. Dr. Shun was taken back for a moment before he nodded, exiting the room without another word. A faint smile appeared on my face as he walked away, leaving me alone for the time being. I took a deep breath and turned over my arms, looking again at the bruises. Just seeing them made the pain suddenly hit my senses. Why won’t these memories show up? Dr. Shun I was in distress but why can’t I remember?

“I’m sorry…” A small voice whispered so faintly in the back of my head. My body tensed up, recognizing who that voice was. Everything around me seemed to be...enclosing and dense. That voice...Izuku-

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