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There's no way in hell that this is a coincidence. Those photos I found in that van means something but I can't pinpoint what it is. I need to call the police about this when everyone is gone. I can't afford to draw attention to myself with my friends. What if they're a villain working for Deku on the outside and they're watching my every move? What if I exchanged this information to my friends and they get hurt, maybe even killed again? I can't let that happen, not again. Not ever.

"(Y/n)? You're dozing off again." Kaminari waved in front of my face. I flinched a bit and gave a weak smile to him. Everyone around me was eating the food my mother had placed for them. I can see the delight and satisfaction in them as they ate.

"You should eat, (y/n). Your mothers cooking is amazing!" Kaminari complimented and advised me while stuffing his face some more. I looked down at my plate with discomfort. You would think after so long of having to eat little to nothing for days would spark that desire to eat delicious food again but no...I couldn't eat. My mind was too focused on the two photos I discovered in that van. If I was to even discuss what I found to my friends, they probably would think I'm paranoid. Plus, that theory I had about a villain watching my every move and having the idea that they can hurt my friends too could possibly be the situation. Better safe than sorry.

"No thanks, I'm not really that hungry." I dismissed my dish, pushing it away from me. Todoroki and Bakugou's eyes stared at me with a raised brow. Now I felt uncomfortable.

"Well, can you at least try to take one or two bites? You need food in order to take your meds." My mother brought a glass of water and two pills in front of me. They were plain white pills. I tilted my head a bit and looked up at my mom.

"Which pills are these?" I asked.

"They're your anti-depressants." My mother replied. A low 'oh' escaped my lips and I took my fork in hand, filling my mouth with my breakfast. Gulping down my food, I then took the two pills and swallowed them with my water.

"So, how did you sleep last night?" Momo suddenly questioned me.

"I slept pretty well. Although, Kirishima and Kaminair's snoring woke me up time to time." I chuckled a bit. I lied. As soon as I got up to check the van and by the time I went back, I stayed up that entire night. Kirishima and Denki lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you before." Apologized Kiri.

"Me too." Denki added. I looked down to my lap again and averted my eyes ​​side to side. I can't wait. I need to come up with an excuse to be alone in my room and call Tsukauchi. That's when it hit me. I placed my hand against my head and blinked a few times as if I was trying to regain my consciousness.

"H-Hey guys," I faked, stuttering, "I'm gonna use the restroom really quickly. Be right back." I excused myself, getting up from my chair. Before I could hear anyone say a word to me I rushed down the hallway. I went into my room and snatched my phone, doing a sharp turn to head to the bathroom but I gasped. Todoroki stood in front of me with worry planted on his face. I placed both of my hands behind my back to hide my phone.

"Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" He asked me, looking up and down at me. My face heated up and I could feel my heart beat pounding against my chest. Fuck! Why of all the moments he's here? I lifted my shirt a bit and slid my phone on the lining of my underwear, quickly putting my shirt over it and bringing one of my hands over my face.

"Please move, I feel like throwing up. Go back with the others." I hurried past him and I slammed the door to the bathroom, panting a bit as I locked it. On the other side of the door I heard Todoroki say okay and I could hear his footsteps grow faint down the hall. I sighed quietly and grabbed my phone from behind me, quickly going through my contacts. My hands shook and my breathing was getting a bit unstable. I could feel my legs get weak, having me fall onto the floor. I have no clue as to why I was feeling like this but it's starting to put stress on me. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to ease me. After the shakiness within my hands died down a bit I looked through my contacts, seeing Tsukauchi's number. I tapped my phone, placing it next to my ear. The phone rang two times before I heard it get picked up.

𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣 𝙏𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙨Where stories live. Discover now