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"Welcome back (y/n)!" The girls in my class greeted me loudly in unison when I entered the classroom. They all started to make their way across the classroom and circle around me, all spouting out different questions. All I could do was shift my attention from one girl to another.

"Were you able to recover okay?"

"Is Eri here at school with you?"

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"Do you wanna hang out with me at lunch?" Those were the few questions that I was able to process as they all talked at once. I told them to give me some room so I had the opportunity to walk to my desk to take a seat but they all followed behind me and stood around my desk. Uraraka started to fill me in on what happened in school while I was gone as I took my supplies out of my bag.

"-then Kaminari and Mina thought it was a good idea to run from Mr. Aizawa during training and Mina accidentally ruined Mr. Aizawa's scarf in combat. Then Kaminari took off running like a scaredy cat because he saw how mad Aizawa was and he left Mina behind. He still has detention from it to this day!"

"Hey! Is that really necessary to say!" Kaminari shouted in embarrassment from his seat. Me and the girls just laughed at his remark. I saw Jirou turn to me and sort of leaned in front of me.

"Hey, I don't wanna be weird or insensitive but, I think your eye being (f/c) is awesome. It's really unique." She complimented me. I kind of buried my face in my hands and chuckled in nervousness.

"You may steal the spotlight from Todoroki." Mina jokingly told me, having me look at Todoroki behind me. He had his attention glued to his notebook, not bothering to pay attention as to what was happening around him. He probably doesn't want to acknowledge me or something from our last conversation.

"Oh yeah! What do you think of the new dress code, (y/n)?," Hagakure asked as she twirled, her skirt flowing up a bit, "isn't it great? They made the skirts longer, so we don't have to worry about having our underwear being shown." Hagakure explained to me.

"To be honest, it was the right thing to do. Plus, I feel more comfortable with it," I leaned over in my chair with a small smirk, "I'm sure some people beg to differ though." I looked at Mineta. He had a face of defeat and looked like on the verge of crying. Wait, he's about to cry?

"So um, if you guys don't mind me asking, are there gonna be any special events happening anytime soon? Like, training in the U.S.J or anything of that sort?" I asked everyone around me and Momo began to bounce up and down a bit in sudden excitement.

"I heard a rumor that we might be training at a secret camp for the summer since we didn't get to last year. But if that's not true, Mr. Aizawa told us that we will be doing more physical training and working on our quirks." Momo informed me. I hummed a bit and let my train of thought take over. Training at a secret camp? It does sound fun but then again, what if it doesn't end up as fun as the idea sounds? I'm sure Aizawa isn't going to let us relax if we do end up going after all. We'll have to see when the time comes.

"Alright, alright, everyone go to your seats now." Aizawa's voice entered the room, having everyone rush to their seats.

"Seeing as you all are full of energy, you guys will be most excited for today's exercise. Today your guy's schedule will be nothing but physical training with each other or individually. Starting now until lunch, you will train in the gymnasium. After lunch, you will all be in the field, doing more physical exercise." Aizawa told us. The room was...really quiet. I looked around the room and everyone held shocked faces...but no one said a word.

"The hell are you all staring for? Get moving now." Aizawa finally said, making every student jump out of their seats, running to get passed the door. I stumbled out of my chair by the sudden word and tried to run with the group of girls.

𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣 𝙏𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙨Where stories live. Discover now